What is Piktochart? Piktochart is a fabulous, easy to use, web based infographic app that allows you to create infographics, flyers, posters, presentations and reports without needing any design experience. You can sign up forContinue reading
Author: Tracey Eaton
What is Pexels? Pexels is a website that provides high quality stock photos and videos. All photos and videos on Pexels are licenced under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) licence. This means that you canContinue reading
What is OpenShot? OpenShot is a free, open source video editor that allows you to create and edit videos. It has an intuitive interface making it quick to learn and comes with a range ofContinue reading
What is NVivo? NVivo is an analysis tool for qualitative and mixed methods research that is designed to help you organise, analyse and find insights in unstructured or qualitative data. It could be a particularlyContinue reading
What is Moovly? Moovly is an online tool that can be used to make animated explainer videos, tutorials, presentations, infographics and e-cards. Basic accounts are free and are ideal for students and casual users. BenefitsContinue reading
What is Mentimeter? Mentimeter is a cloud based tool (similar to Socrative/Poll Everywhere) that can be used to ask questions and initiate formative assessment within a lecture or session. It is free to set upContinue reading
What is Lino? Lino (aka Lino It) is a web based collaboration tool (similar to Padlet) that is ideal for brainstorming and/or expressing thoughts on a common topic. It is free to set up anContinue reading
What is LinkedIn? LinkedIn is a social networking site for professionals. It is free to set up a basic account and once registered, users create a profile consisting of information about their skills, education andContinue reading
What is Krita? Krita is a free to use open source painting application designed for artists and illustrators who want to create digital art, web and print comics, concept art etc. Benefits of using KritaContinue reading
What is Kahoot? Kahoot is a free game-based response system. Used in education and business, a Kahoot consists of a number of questions that focus on a specific topic. Benefits of using Kahoot Great forContinue reading