In a recent blog that was written, it is stated that “while healthier diets are part of the solution, it is vital that we find way to get children more active. People nowadays are less active due to new technology. We have cars to drive and public transport that is an option for us to take and new technology is only making us more sedentary” (Wright, 2016). Physical activity is one of the most important things you can do to benefit your health. A lot of people will not take part in physical activity because there is a fear of getting hurt but things such as, brisk walking still count as physical activity and is generally safe for most people. There is a risk of cardiac events such as heart attack if a person goes from being totally sedentary to then taking part in high intensity activity

No matter how old a person is, it is scientifically proven that being active helps lead a healthier life. Taking part in regular physical activity can reduce the likeliness of getting chronic conditions like cancer, mental health problems and coronary heart disease. Not only is being inactive a risk to people’s health but it puts a lot of pressure on the health system financially. The cost of inactivity cost the NHS £1.06 billion. This estimated figure is based upon health conditions that are linked specifically to inactivity such as, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, colorectal cancer and breast cancer (Sport England, d.u.)

The Department of Health describes inactivity as a “silent killer.” Evidence has shown that sitting or lying down for long periods of time is bad for your health. “Previous generations were active more naturally through work and manual labour, but today we have to find ways of integrating activity into our daily lives,” says Dr Cavill (NHS, 2015).


– Physical Activity and Health. [Online] Available from: x [accessed 26 March 2018].

-Sport England (Date unknown) Sport and Health. [Online] Available from: [accessed 11 January 2018].

-NHS, N.A. (2015) Benefits of Exercise. [Online] Available from: [accessed 26 March 2018].