My Communication Skills

After having to have a conversation in front of a camera, I have managed to recognise what my strengths and weaknesses are when talking to people. 

Strengths included; interested in what others have to say, smiling and nodding when somebody was talking and trying to hold a conversation. 

My weaknesses were; I am shy, I will pull my sleeves over my hands as a sign of feeling nervous, I will not join in the conversation if people are already talking.

This is something I will definitely need to work on, due to wanting a career where I will have to communicate with people constantly, I shall have to become a confident talker. 




  1. You did not come across shy in the video, where as i did as you could not hear me join in. I am the same, i will not join in or speak over person who are already talking. Which is not always a bad thing.

  2. You didn’t appear to be nervous about presenting and you interacted with the audience by smiling and using eye contact

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