PLYMOUTH City Council will open the doors on their Central Library again this Christmas Day providing a warm welcome to anyone who may be on their own and would like some company.

There’ll be festive films, quizzes, games, and refreshments available. The library has decided to open their doors this year to anyone who may be on their own or want some company, which means that homeless people will be able to attend the event as well. Now that’s Christmas spirit! The computers are being made available for anyone who comes along to the event, so that they can get in touch with family and friends if they want to, and/or normally wouldn’t have access to WiFi. Just to top it off, pupils from St Peter’s CE Primary School will be writing Christmas messages for those who visit. What a lovely sentiment.

That’s already going the extra mile, but that’s not all! Plymouth City Council have also arranged transport for anyone who would like to spend the day at the library.
A spokesperson from Plymouth Central Library told us:
“It was an idea that was born out of a conversation that one of our members of staff had with someone working at Shekinah Mission. They agreed that something like this was crucial. It came to fruition because she realised she would be able to open up the library for a few hours on Christmas Day, and so she did.”

Deputy council leader Pete Smith said: “If you’re on your own, we know Christmas can be a lonely time. If people would like some company and to see some friendly faces we hope they will join us at the library on Christmas Day, where a warm welcome will await them.” (Source: IndyOnline)
An act of kindness like this is exactly what Christmas is all about, if you ask us. So if you’re alone this Christmas or just fancy checking out the event, head on down to Plymouth Central Library for what’s shaping up to be a great afternoon!