Marjon sport

Mens Vollyball 1

Yes ladies and gentlemen it has finally happened we won (our first BUCS set). The overall score was Marjon 1 – 3 Solent 1’s. This score line does not quite reflect the sheer determination of the boys out there on the court as we can safely say, bar Pete’s questionable...

Getting to Know Your Plymouth Marjon Patriots – #24 Will White

At Marjon, Will is completing a degree in Sports Therapy whilst pursuing a career in the BBL with the Plymouth City Patriots. But how did he get here? Last Summer, whilst playing in 3×3 tournaments Will caught the eye of fan favourite Elvisi Dusha, who he’s known...

Mighty Marjon Sport Round Up – 11-11-21

It’s been another busy BUCS Wednesday for our Mighty Marjon teams with games happening at home and away.  The Men’s football first team played UWE firsts away, a game which sadly resulted in a 6-0 loss for Marjon with the men’s football seconds also...

Varsity is Back

Varsity is Back

Sports Organiser Luis Costa told me “Varsity coming back brings a sense of relief, and I’m looking forward to the surprise factor this years event will bring.” The annual event between Plymouth’s two major universities is set to make a return...

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