President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris [to be the first female US Vice President] upon their first national address announced that they had been working on putting together a group of scientists and experts to help combat the Coronavirus pandemic and it’s economic fallout – a swift turnaround from the likes of Donald Trump, who saw the Pandemic Response Unit, formed under Barack Obama dispenser, and reformed into the National Security Council, without it’s former head, senior directors nor much of it’s previous staff who had dealt with the Ebola outbreak in the earlier half of this decade.
According to representatives of Biden, his team have already spent the better part of three months planning his First Term, announcing that he is planning to sign executive orders following being sworn into office [on the 20th of January] to undo the work of the Trump Administration; that includes but is by no means limited to rejoining the Paris Climate Accords, and reversing the withdrawal from the World Health Organisation.
Rubbing salt into the wound of the Trump Administration, Biden has also vowed to have the most diverse cabinet in history, including Republicans – proving his belief in bipartisanship [co-operation between political parties], and is showing to be an infinite cry from the objective beliefs of Trump.
Throughout America, a new breath of life has seemingly come to the population with people dancing and celebrating on the streets, and making their positive presence known in response to the election result; happy that they’re no longer being oppressed and fearfull to live within their own country, with videos of this being found all over Social Media – with some on Twitter humourously setting videos of this to Yub Nub. Roanoke Mayor Sherman Lee said: “Somehow it feels like a holiday. That’s how depressing it was under the leadership of Donald J. Trump.” a statement echoed by Democrat John Edwards, representative if Roanoke in the Virginia State Senate, who stated “We finally have a president who has character, who cares about people, who is empathetic, and is going to communicate well with the American people.”
However, whether or not the vows and promises made by Biden and his team will ring true is a different question, as politicians are infamously fickle, and there may be little faith following the likes of Trump. Adding to this, Joe Biden also has had a sexual assault allegation against him, with Wikipedia stating that [she had] “misrepresented herself and her life experiences on numerous occasions, including lying under oath and in court proceedings.” which removes credibility from her statement. Even so, the endorsement of Biden from Obama has given him much support and faith from the US and by extension, the global population.