If you can provide for yourself, do it- if you cannot we should help. Simple right? Apparently Wrong.
£4bn worth of cuts is being inflicted to international aid, the UK reveals more details with their intentions.
Developing Campaigners described the UK government as having “lost its moral compass” hinting towards accusations of wrong intentions.
Understandably, no one alone has the power to help everyone, and fix everything- that would be impossible. But humanity, in terms of helping others, should consist of the system where when someone’s right’s end, someone else’s should begin.
The argument is, doesn’t the UK government have enough resources to help where it is needed?
2021-2022 planned spending commitments have been released and the public is apprehensive over their plan of action. Implications to big reductions in key areas are rising to the surface as the new classifications for distributing £8.1bn have been brought to attention.
The situation raised a lot of arguments over the idea of the obligation to help others. Looking out for each other is the very foundation of a civilised society. Agreed, everyone has an obligation to look after themselves, however, today every person will be at different levels of the amount of help they can provide. With each individual talents, luck, status, money and platforms you can enrich your own life and the world around you by helping others who can benefit from your assistance.
In an anonymous poll taken through social media we found that:
- 89% of Plymouth felt obliged to help others
- 70% said they would choose to help others that need it out of genuine goodness and,
- 16% said they would expect something back in return.
The idea of doing something to regain something back (like the public is accusing the Government of doing) for yourself was reflected through certain aspects of the public when the research was undertaken. One member of the public said; “Because if I ever needed help with something in the future it wouldn’t be right to not help others now”.
On the other hand, when asked why they help others, one spoke out saying, “Sometimes it’s because I’m worried that if they say no I would be hated”
There is evidence that countries that support those in need and who helps with the organisations and programs for everyone’s own gain- as well as encourage full employment- do so much better than countries that favour one class over the rest. In today’s society- and what it seems like in most countries now, those who are ‘weak’ and in need of help- who are less fortunate than ourselves- are cast aside while the ‘strong’ gather wealth and power and perpetuate the notion that it’s every man for himself.

Boris Johnson’s Spokesman said “What we are doing is looking at how the aid is spent to ensure that it serves the UK’s priorities and represents value for money,” when asked whether the government was still devoted to the aid target.