
Fuel Prices for Students

Fuel prices are forever an issue in everyday lives for drivers across the country. After covid-19 hit the UK, the price of fuel rose to as much as £2 per litre, in some areas. Fuel companies like BP and Shell are making record profits nowadays, because of the rise in prices.

Students travelling to and from university have been majorly affected due to how much it costs to drive to and from university and home. This being on top of the cost of their bills, food and social life. A lot of students really cannot afford these things, even with the student loan they receive.

Lewis Retallick is a Marjon University student, who lives on campus and has to travel to St Austell if he wants to go home. He said that “It costs £20 just to get to and from Uni”, he also stated that, “If he wanted to go home regularly it would just cost too much”.

Another student at Marjon Louie Bradford, has to travel to Essex, which is a long 6-hour drive, which he said, “Costs £45 each way”, and also said, “He can’t drive home at the moment as he has to add more miles on his black box, on top of the fuel to get home”.

Fuel prices are too costly for students who drive to University and even more expensive for people who have to commute to Uni every time they have lectures or want to do work.

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