The names of over a hundred individuals associated with Jeffrey Epstein, including business partners and accusers, have been revealed in documents that were previously sealed due to a December decision by a federal judge.
On Wednesday, January 3, more than 900 pages of largely unredacted papers were made public. On Thursday, January 4, a second set of documents was made public, and the following day, a third batch.
A large portion of the data has already been publicized, and many of the people whose names are listed are not charged with any crimes.
While the list of acquaintances in the previously revealed court records isn’t complete, it was anticipated that some of them would be mentioned in the flight logs of Epstein’s own aircraft, known as the “Lolita Express.”
Among those names were some already controversial figures such as Prince Andrew and former president Bill Clinton.
Not all of the documents are public knowledge yet however as some information is still under review.
It has even come to light that conversations had between Epstein and associates even go as far as to place Prof. Steven Hawking on Epstein’s Island as far back as 2018, around the time he was due to attend a scientific conference in the area.
Only time will tell who else or what else will end up connected to the ever expanding case of the atrocities committed on Epstein’s Island.