Tory Defeat as Labour Sweeps Plymouth Elections

The Conservative Party have lost 13 seats overnight in the 2024 Local Election, in what follows a national trend, as voters turn their backs on the party.

Labour has seen gains of 10 seats, which brings their overall majority to 42. Independent candidates also gained two seats, with the Green’s gaining one.

The council has been under Labour control since the Local Elections last year when they won it from a state of no overall control.

New party Reform won no seats in the council, although they consistently chipped away at Conservative ballots, in some cases splitting the vote enough to let Labour win.

Rishi Sunak has acknowledged a “disappointing” series of local election results after the Conservatives suffered defeats across the country.

But the Prime Minister insisted he was “focused completely on the job at hand” and that Labour had still not done enough to be on track to win the general election.

Experts have warned the Conservatives could be on course to lose 500 seats nationwide in what could be their worst showing in 40 years.

The results come as Sir Keir Starmer hailed a “seismic win” for Labour in the Blackpool South by-election, where the party secured a 26.33% swing, as well as council gains in key areas such as Hartlepool and Redditch.

Out of the 107 councils where votes were held on Thursday, just 38 have declared so far – but the results make grim reading for the Prime Minister.

Counting in Plymouth for Police and Crime Commissioner is ongoing, with results expected later today.