At a prestigious New England boys’ boarding school where a teacher, John Keating, was once a star student, is using poetry to embolden his pupils to new heights of self-expression.
Dead Poets Society is a one-of-a-kind movie to me. The movie is never going to get old to watch, because it can teach us new things when we watch it, and it makes us laugh, cry, and get excited. It conveys the freeing and rebellious side of poetry/literature. It contrasts realism and romanticism.
I find that Dead Poets Society gives you a whole different perspective on not literature but life. It does this not only through Mr Keating’s teaching but through Neil Perry’s character. Also, throughout the film, you truly connect to the characters on a personal level.
The film teaches us to always have an open mind as well as to “seize the day. “
Robin Williams acted with such emotion and intensity in each scene. It is rare to feel like I’m inside the film, but in this case, I felt like Robin Williams was constantly talking to me in this film. Alongside him, the rest of the cast did a great job. This movie was more than just acting.
Overall, I absolutely adored this movie, and it will forever be my favourite film. And it is always a must-watch.