ME/CFS Awareness Leaflet

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a chronic disease that is characterised by disabling fatigue, pain, exertion intolerance, cognitive challenges and sleep problems (Marks et al., 2018), and the leaflet has been designed for anyone who is experiencing chronic fatigue. The leaflet is tri-fold and double sided, (refer to table 1 for an itemised rationale of the leaflet components) with a different topic on each page which allows it to act as a guide for the patient to follow. Reduced cognitive abilities can make it difficult for an ME/CFS patient to read large amounts of text (Wilson et al., 2018) thus, the text is spaced out well, to ensure it is easier to read, without compromising the level of information. Text is purple which mimics the ME Association brand colours so it is easier to recognise upon searching. Images are cartoon based to give the leaflet a softer tone as much of the imagery around ME/CFS is melancholic and positive message framing has been shown to be more effective at encouraging someone to take action (Rao et al., 2020). This health topic has been chosen because more exposure of this illness may result in more individuals becoming aware of the illness and subsequently getting the treatment they need, and the purpose of the leaflet is to encourage someone to go and see their doctor (GP) if they have symptoms.

ME/CFS is a complex illness and according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE, 2007), it affects at least 264,000 people in the UK. The history surrounding this potentially disabling disease is one of controversy, both within the medical field and with the wider public in general; it was initially assumed to be psychological in nature (Cortes Rivera et al., 2019), however, there is mounting evidence of a biological nature for the disease (Wirth & Scheibenbogen, 2020). Although the root cause is largely unknown, it may be related to genetics, trauma, physical or mental or viral complications (Boulazreg & Rokach 2020). ME/CFS is a spectrum disorder, the level of severity that an individual experiences can differ greatly from one person to another (Friedman, 2019). At the mild end, an individual may be able to work and carry out daily living activities, but with difficulty. At the severe end, a patient may be unable to leave their home and they may need constant care (CDC, 2019). What links the two ends of the spectrum are the characteristic symptoms as discussed in the introduction, (National Health Service, 2017). To understand the complexity of the disease and thus the need for a multi-disciplinary treatment plan, it is prudent to consider  the definition: myalgic: pain; encephalo: relating to the brain; myelitis: spinal cord inflammation (Collins English Dictionary, 2020) and chronic fatigue syndrome which refers to the general state of the individual (Fukuda et al., 1994). There is no cure but treatment aims to ease symptoms and improve them over time (Spandler, & Allen2018).

The leaflet demonstrates a number of areas for a patient to start making progress towards a diagnosis and  management of the illness . It demonstrates the biopsychosocial model of health: as a multi-faceted disease, the treatment must be varied (Sweetman, et al., 2019). There is some dispute around the use of the biopsychosocial model in treating ME/CFS (Geraghty & Blease 2019) but misuse of the model is what produces issues (Wade &Halligan 2017). However, the psychosocial impact of the disease cannot be ignored, by not addressing this, the patient could remain in a vicious cycle of ill health. Co-morbid issues relating to ME/CFS are: anxiety, depression and social isolation for a variety of reasons, including, in some cases, an inability to leave the house, a loss of functioning and a loss of identity and these issues can yield physical responses, potentially exacerbating symptoms (Boulazreg & Rokach 2020, & Marks et al., 2018). If treatment is sought to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life then addressing the patient holistically at the same time as biologically is important.

Table 1

Leaflet Page Rationale
Are you struggling with debilitating fatigue? Large text is used, mentioning fatigue to capture the attention of someone who might be suffering from fatigue. Statistics are included to highlight the prevalence of the disease but references are not included as citations can make text more difficult to read. The patient has been signposted to services throughout, including their GP, a specialist NHS service, and a specialist charity, and there are pointers for them to conduct their own research.
See your GP. Many diseases produce similar symptoms so it is important for the GP of the patient to rule out all other diseases. Vitamin D deficiency can also lead to fatigue, pain and weakness (Charoenngam et al., 2019). However, a patient may experience Vitamin D deficiency due to being less able to go outside so it may be co-morbid (Castro-Marrero et al., 2017).
Pacing. Research suggests treatment using graded exercise therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy (White et al., 2013) but this has been fiercely contested by the ME/CFS community as being ineffective and dangerous (Kindlon 2011), so much so that NICE has drafted a new policy to come into force in 2021 to eradicate these treatments (NICE 2020). As more research emerges, there is support for pacing as a treatment, to reduce the exacerbation of symptoms and potentially improve symptoms over time (Jason et al. 2013). This can be done in many ways: by incorporating regular rest periods throughout the day or by more specific physiological measures such as keeping the heart rate below the anaerobic threshold and resting if the heart rate rises (Davenport et al., 2010).
Ask for help. Social support and connection are essential for positive health outcomes. (Haslam et al., 2018). Additionally, there is some evidence to show that having help at home, allowed for improvements in levels of fatigue and wellness. (Jason et al. 2010).
Physical Activity. Physical activity may increase fatigue in patients with ME/CFS, (Loy et al., 2016) however, there are significant health risks of being sedentary (Park et al., 2020). Yoga, Tai Chi and Qui-Gong are gentler forms of exercise which may help to minimise the risk of symptom exacerbation.
Ask for a referral. Sentinel Healthcare (2020) are a clinic who specialise in ME/CFS. The length of time for diagnosis can be 5 years (Geraghty & Adenjii 2019) thus awareness of the clinic may enable the patient to raise it with their GP for a more timely diagnosis.


Boulazreg, S., & Rokach, A. (2020). The Lonely, Isolating, and Alienating Implications of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. In Healthcare, Vol. 8(4), p. 413.

Castro-Marrero, J., Faro, M., Aliste, L., Sáez-Francàs, N., Calvo, N., Martínez-Martínez, A., Fernandez, T., & Alegre, J. (2017). Comorbidity in chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: a nationwide population-based cohort study. Psychosomatics, 58(5), 533-543.

Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, July 12). What is ME/CFS?.

Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019, November 19). Presentation and Clinical Course of ME/CFS.

Charoenngam, N., Shirvani, A., & Holick, M. F. (2019). Vitamin D for skeletal and non-skeletal health: What we should know. Journal of clinical orthopaedics and trauma, 10(6), 1082-1093.

Collins English Dictionary. (2012). Encephalo.

Collins English Dictionary. (2012).  Myalgia.

Collins English Dictionary. (2012). Myelitis.

Cortes Rivera, M., Mastronardi, C., Silva-Aldana, C. T., Arcos-Burgos, M., & Lidbury, B. A. (2019). Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: a comprehensive review. Diagnostics, 9(3), 91.

Davenport, T. E., Stevens, S. R., VanNess, M. J., Snell, C. R., & Little, T. (2010). Conceptual model for physical therapist management of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis. Physical therapy, 90(4), 602-614.

Friedman, K. J. (2019). Advances in ME/CFS: Past, present, and future. Frontiers in pediatrics, 7, 131.

Fukuda, K., Straus, S. E., Hickie, I., Sharpe, M. C., Dobbins, J. G., & Komaroff, A. (1994). The chronic fatigue syndrome: a comprehensive approach to its definition and study. Annals of internal medicine, 121(12), 953-959.

Geraghty, K., & Blease, C. (2019). Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and the biopsychosocial model: a review of patient harm and distress in the medical encounter. Disability and rehabilitation, 41(25), 3092-3102.

Haslam, C., Jetten, J., Cruwys, T., Dingle, G., & Haslam, S. (2018). The New Psychology of Health. Routledge.

Jason, L. A., Brown, M., Brown, A., Evans, M., Flores, S., Grant-Holler, E., & Sunnquist, M. (2013). Energy conservation/envelope theory interventions. Fatigue: biomedicine, health & behavior, 1(1-2), 27-42.

Jason, L. A., Roesner, N., Porter, N., Parenti, B., Mortensen, J., & Till, L. (2010). Provision of social support to individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of clinical psychology, 66(3), 249-258.

Kindlon, T. (2011). Reporting of harms associated with graded exercise therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. Bulletin of the IACFS/ME, 19(2), 59-111.

Loy, B. D., O’Connor, P. J., & Dishman, R. K. (2016). Effect of acute exercise on fatigue in people with ME/CFS/SEID: a meta-analysis. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 48(10).

Marks, D., Murray, M., & Vida Estacio, E. (2018). Health Psychology (5th ed.). SAGE.

National Health Service. (2017, May 16). Diagnosis Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME).

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2007, August 22). Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (or encephalopathy): diagnosis and management Clinical guideline [CG53].

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2020, November). Myalgic encephalomyelitis

(or encephalopathy) /chronic fatigue syndrome: diagnosis and management.

Park, J. H., Moon, J. H., Kim, H. J., Kong, M. H., & Oh, Y. H. (2020). Sedentary Lifestyle: Overview of Updated Evidence of Potential Health Risks. Korean Journal of Family Medicine, 41(6), 365-373.

Rao, Q., Zhang, Z., Lv, Y., Zhao, Y., Bai, L., & Hou, X. (2020). Factors Associated With Influential Health-Promoting Messages on Social Media: Content Analysis of Sina Weibo. JMIR medical informatics, 8(10), e20558.

Sentinel Healthcare. (2020). Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & ME.

Spandler, H., & Allen, M. (2018). Contesting the psychiatric framing of ME/CFS. Social Theory & Health, 16(2), 127-141.

Sweetman, E., Noble, A., Edgar, C., Mackay, A., Helliwell, A., Vallings, R., Ryan M., & Tate, W. (2019). Current research provides insight into the biological basis and diagnostic potential for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Diagnostics, 9(3), 73.

Wade, D., & Halligan, P. (2017). The biopsychosocial model of illness: a model whose time has come. SAGE.

White, P. D., Goldsmith, K., Johnson, A. L., Chalder, T., & Sharpe, M. (2013). Recovery from chronic fatigue syndrome after treatments given in the PACE trial. Psychological medicine, 43(10), 2227-2235.

Wilson, R. L., Paterson, K. B., McGowan, V., & Hutchinson, C. V. (2018). Visual aspects of reading performance in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). Frontiers in psychology, 9, 1468.

Wirth, K., & Scheibenbogen, C. (2020). A Unifying Hypothesis of the Pathophysiology of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS): Recognitions from the finding of autoantibodies against ß2-adrenergic receptors. Autoimmunity Reviews, 19(6), 102527.














3 Psychological Factors That Impact Upon Living With Chronic Illness

Chronic illness affects up to a quarter of people in the United Kingdom (The King’s Fund, n.d.) and many of those illnesses are invisible, including such diseases as many cancers, heart disease, HIV, AIDs, diabetes, ME/CFS and fibromyalgia and mental illness (Bassler, 2009; Kundrat & Nussbaum, 2003; Link & Phelan, 2014). One may experience symptoms that significantly alter their daily life and chronic long-term illnesses produce a series of complex psychological issues that further impact living with the disease (Marks et al., 2018). The person may lose their identity or sense of self and future aspirations, they may become subject to stigmatisation either directly or as a result of unconscious bias which in turn can affect every aspect of their lives, including access to healthcare. Improving one’s self efficacy may be a solution to the psychological impacts one faces when diagnosed with a chronic illness but in order for any of these factors to be improved upon, there must be an equal effort via societal structures in healthcare, workplaces and educational facilities, in order to support the individual with their ongoing needs. This in turn can produce better overall health outcomes and better support the individual.

A new diagnosis or experiencing debilitating symptoms of a chronic illness can threaten an individual’s identity (Marks et al., 2018). A person has a number of identities, including their self-identify which refers to who the individual is, their place in the world, their likes, dislikes and the activities they enjoy (He et al., 2019). An individual’s identity is also made up of their future plans and aspirations, their biography and the illness may leave the individual feeling like they no longer have a future or a place in the world.

Social Identity Theory (SIT) states that as part of groups, one’s identity is linked to the groups they are part of and can be linked to their status within their communities, social groups, workplace, friends and family roles (Marks et al., 2018; Tajfel & Turner, 2019). According to SIT, group conformity is important, and the individual may no longer be able to conform to their current groups due to restrictions imposed by the illness. Social connection has a strong impact on longevity, showing the huge threat one faces in this instance (Haslam, 2018).

This loss of one’s self, social groups and family roles can conjure a concoction of emotions such as helplessness, resentment and denial (Pranka, 2018) and the individual has a decision to make in this scenario: attempt to continue or find a way to maintain their current identity along with the illness (Pranka, 2018) or revise their identity, engage in biographical work which will help them to forge a different path for the future (Querol , et al., 2020), and accept the illness as part of their identity which can result in health improvements or be health protective (Ortis et al., 2018).

Conversely, if a change in identity is not accepted by the individual, they may attempt to assert control over their identity and control the parts of themselves that others see, leading them to conceal the illness (Aujoulat et al., 2008). This in turn, may force the individual into social isolation and also may prevent them from accessing the healthcare and social support they need (Quinn et al., 2017). Having strong social bonds is health protective and if the individual is limiting themselves from that social help and support, further psychological issues may ensue, including anxiety and depression (Haslam et al., 2018).

Forming new social identities or joining new groups can encourage post traumatic growth and help the individual to work towards overcoming the psychological impact of the illness trauma (Kelly et al., 2012; Zeligman et al., 2018). However, symptoms may make it difficult to join new groups due to the constraints of their illness (Marks et al., 2018). Additionally, there are risks in exposing their illness and building a new identity around it. Many chronic illnesses are stigmatised and by accepting and forming an identity around the illness, the individual exposes themselves to the risk of discrimination and thus the individual finds themselves in a vicious cycle, torn between the need to gain support but risking their wellbeing and life chances through that exposure (Link & Phelan, 2001).

To be stigmatised, is to be judged by an aspect of one’s self that deviates from what is considered in society, to be normal (Baxter, 2010) and chronic illness becomes stigmatised when there is a belief that because of the illness, the person is less, tainted or less able (Stuber et al., 2008). Discrimination via a stigmatised illness is woven into every crevice of society from the media, healthcare, to employment, educational facilities and social groups (Marks et al. 2018).

Stigmatisation is oppressive and subjugates the individuals experiencing it, resulting in discrimination; guilt and shame when the individual internalises the stigma; reduced healthcare; reduced employment opportunities; social exclusion and can even result in emotional and physical abuse (Kadianaki, 2014; Link & Phelan, 2014; Marks et al., 2018). For example, in healthcare, Friedberg et al., (2008) conducted a study to explore what medical students believed about chronic fatigue syndrome. Whilst the symptoms of the illness are very real and often disabling (Lacerda et al., 2019), terms such as ‘lazy’ and ‘made up’ were used. Some of this knowledge was obtained from the media which has historically stigmatised the illness but also from the very doctors they were learning from as it has been shown that even in healthcare, stigmatisation is likely to occur and this can then impact upon the care that the patient receives (Marks et al., 2018). If the individual feels they may be disbelieved by a GP it could result in the patient feeling unsupported which may result in avoidance of seeking help altogether. (Åsbring & Närvänen, 2002).

In coping, some, underplay the effect of their illness, some deny it altogether. Some however, challenge the stigma, using it as a platform for personal transformation and raising awareness, fighting against the stigmatising labels that are imposed on them (Link & Phelan, 2014; Marks et al., 2018).

There are, however, groups who may be more or less psychologically sensitive to stigma. Those who have been raised to believe the world is fair may be less sensitive than those who do not believe the world is fair, such as those from a low socioeconomic background (Haslam et al., 2018). However, individuals with a high status may be more sensitive to stigma due to the very real fear of losing their status, due to the stigmatisation attached to the illness (Scheepers et al., 2009). Those who are sensitive to stigma may experience a higher perception of discrimination where it may not exist which can cause significant psychological stress (Earnshaw & Quinn, 2012).

The Equality Act (2010) exists to protect those not just with disabilities but also with any ‘impairment’ or alteration to the ability to manage daily activities, physically or mentally, from the stigmas that exist. However, whilst policies do exist, there is no escaping from unconscious bias. Unconscious bias is a strong relative to stigmatisation because even though laws are in place for equality, the very nature of unconscious bias is that it is outside of conscious awareness.

Stenhoff (2015) describes how educating those within the medical industry using the biopsychosocial model of illness may help medical practitioners to be more understanding of stigmatised chronic illnesses. These positive attitudes may create less stigma and create better physical and mental health outcomes (Nyblade et al., 2019). There is a potential solution in helping a patient to cope with the stigmas that exist. Helping a patient to improve their self-efficacy may help to reduce their fears and disclose the stigmatised illness, (Mittal et al., 2012) achieving peer and social support, asking for the flexibility and adaptations they need in order to work or be educated because with high self-efficacy, the person will have the belief that they can overcome these challenging obstacles and obtain the support they need.

Self-efficacy (SE) is the belief that one has, in the ability to achieve what they set out to achieve and the confidence in knowing they can overcome a range of life challenges (Bandura, 1977). In chronic illness an individual is presented with a range of challenges, including: having to adapt lifestyle factors such as work, home life including roles, and changing or adopting new health behaviours in order to effectively manage the illness (Wilski et al., 2020). When faced with a diagnosis or symptoms of a chronic illness, an individual with high SE will have the belief that the action they take will be positive and will see it not as a threat to one’s life but as an opportunity for growth (Zeligman et al., 2018). An example of someone with high SE, is someone who becomes self-employed in order to be provided with the flexibility a standard workplace cannot provide (Beatty, 2012), the individual has found a solution to overcome the obstacle.

SE can be measured and it can be improved upon (Schwarzer & Warner, 2013). The general self-efficacy scale is used to measure SE which is positive because if an individual presents with low SE, improving SE has been linked with a range of health improvements such as improved illness perception, depression and anxiety, decreased pain and fatigue and improved quality of life (Schwarzer & Warner 2013).

SE is improved via four domains and in chronic illness these relate to: mastery of tasks related to management and/or improvement of the illness (Bonsaksen, Solveig & Lerdal, 2015), witnessing others with similar illnesses who have successfully achievement of health improvement via management of the illness (Bonsaksen, Lerdal, & Fagermoen, 2012), verbal persuasion from healthcare professionals who are able to successfully counsel the individual to adopt the required management and self-care (Aujolat et al., 2008) and reduction of stress and management of positive emotions related to the illness (Bandura 2010). The effects of low SE may result in maladaptive coping behaviours. (Korpershoek et al., 2011).

However, whilst there are clear benefits to improving SE and SE transformation is possible, there are external factors when it comes to improving SE. An SE improvement program will amount to little if social systems are not in place to support the individual. In one example, Beatty (2012) found that whilst up to one-fifth of employees have a chronic illness, just half of those had disclosed their illness. The problem is that whilst policies exist to protect those with chronic illness, many of those policies do not reflect the specific needs and the flexibility required by those with chronic illnesses. If could be said that the individuals who do not disclose the illness, have low SE but if supportive systems are not in place, it can hinder efforts to create self-efficacy in the first place.

There are a multitude of psychological factors that impact upon an individual who is faced with chronic illness. Self-efficacy is one therapeutic asset that can assist with buffering the impact of the identity and stigmatisation issues discussed but it can also have a negative psychological impact if it is low. Stigmatisation exists throughout society and whilst it can have a profoundly negative impact on an individual, it can also be area for personal growth if the individual is able to stand up to it. When faced with chronic illness and the life changes it entails, one can lose their sense of identity, personal and social but one way this can be resolved is by accepting the illness and forming new identities. The overarching issue is that society has a large part to play in improvements relating to these issues, starting with educating those in healthcare and workplaces about the needs of those in the chronic illness population, uncovering and diminishing unconscious bias and re-writing policies to account for the needs of those with chronic illness. This in turn will improve the life chances for those with chronic illness and bring about more social acceptance overall.


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