Advocacy Placement Year 2

PYCD90-2018 – Second Year placement module

I originally wanted to carry out my placement at a secondary school, where i could focus on shadowing school psychologists and/or student support workers. This has been ultimate ambition, I aim to work in an educational environment and would have thrived in the opportunity to get some experience doing so. A strength I can use within an educational environment is my ability to show empathy towards people who are struggling during school. I am great at communicating and listening, I am emotionally intelligent which would help me to enforce positivity where needed.

I contacted four schools via email and telephone, however, I was unsuccessful with getting a place due to their prior commitments and not being able to focus on my needs. I was disappointed and disheartened with this result which forced me to have to complete my placement another way. Although this has knocked my confidence, I am still passionate about making a positive impact on students education within secondary schools, and I will not let this get in my way.

Currently I am in contact with Hazel Bending, one of my lecturers, to arrange my placement. I am in communication with Hazel to set up my placement and organised the hours I will be completing and when. My next step is to arrange a face to face meeting with Hazel and Rosanna to plan a schedule of what activities I will be doing and also organise a timetable I can work from. This is my top priority.


Good Read

The book that I picked out is called The Study Skills book by S.Cetrell.

The book was located at the Marjon library and has a lot of chapters of how to improve students academic sides. The book is written very well and is very easily understood and helps improve students writing and layout of essays. The book is very clear and everything can be located easy as it has a clear index page. The book is also appealing to the eye so you won’t just pick it up and put it back it draws you in and can improve on your university work and things a lot more easier than they are right now !

The people that have made this book so that they can try and get the best out of students who want to improve and want to be better. Thought out the chapters it says how students must be working and how much hours you must be putting in out of the classroom just so you can have a easier time to take in all of the knowledge that you learn from lessons.The book covers  academic writing, revision & exams, dissertations & projects, basic academic numeracy and independent learning & research.

The book speaks about how it can boost confidence and this is important. As you know university can be stressful and theres a lot going on in peoples life in and outside of university and the book just teaches how to do things the good way and how to use things to your advantage, if you don’t have the confidence then you can often lack a lot in essays and in class having just a little but of confident will mean that things can go your way and this will make the experience be better for you.

I would recommend university students to use this book as it recaps elements that you might have forgotten about its such as good book also because (The Study Skills Book) covers every possible aspect of university life and study skills in an incredibly organised way, so things are easy to find. It also contains more tips than your average study skills book and has helped me immensely. I would definitely recommend it!”

Sources of help and support

   The canteen and this young man help me stay relaxed and with out this place I’m not too sure how I would have lived this year. Its a calm place for me to relax and enjoy eating hot or cold food and even enjoying something to drink hot or cold.

Critical Thinking Task

The website that been using was made from the BBC and I have enjoyed using this website as it gets to the general of psychology and speaks about the different topics that that have been very useful.

The website contains a clear context of what psychology is and explains about human behaviour. It also contains information about different topics such as cognitive, social, development, evolution, health, neuroscience and also contains some career paths you can have in psychology. The website is aimed at students and can also be used to recap on information.

The website has been very useful because it has the right amount of information to take in and the layout is very simple to understand so it isn’t complex, its also good for trying to remember a small amount of things. Its very useful because it also gives links to other reliable sources that can be used to learn from and also use information.

Nevertheless, it doesn’t have much about research or research that has been conducted in the past this is the only thing that it doesn’t have and research is so important in psychology so this is what the website lacks but thats the the only thing it does lack. The website that have some games and this will test knowledge and will help remember more information and I think that this is a very good idea.

Task 15

Learning from others

As a psychology student I have to do a lot from gathering data to looking up researching methods. It has been clear to me that when working in groups it has been easier in a lot of ways, we can share information literature and we can speak and find the correct sources that we need.

Working together in groups has developed my communication, listening and working with others. I have learnt that everybody is clever in their own way and have experienced this more than once this year and it has been very good not only just for me but for everybody else on the course.

Although it has been a stressful year and a lot has been going on in and out side of university it has been a ride. Next shall be the same but now knowing what university is and like I have a advantage and shall set the bar higher for myself and I know everybody  will be doing the same thing and with a lot learned this year it means that I and many can have a very bigger and better two years to come.

Task 14

Top ten tips for revision

1: Start revising early

2:Don’t spend ages making your notes look pretty

3:Take short breaks

4: Use revision guides

5:Stick revision notes all around your house

6:Do lots of practice exam papers

7:Find the right environment to revise

8:Don’t hang around with the nervous paranoid

9:Don’t turn yourself into a revision zombie

10: Read !



I have used lot of references and some of them have been very useful for me as I’m study Psychology there has been one book that has helped me a lot and i would advise first heard to have a look at the books as it covers a lot on information that will be good information to have for essays and just having it for knowledge. The refrence is underneath in bold.

Martin, N. et al. (2013)  ‘Psychology.’ (1rd ed.) Harlow:Pearson

Asch, S.E., 1955. Opinions and social pressure. Readings about the social animal, 193, pp.17-26.

Brenes, G.A., 2003. Anxiety and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: prevalence, impact, and treatment. Psychosomatic medicine, 65(6), pp.963-970.

Brown GW, Andrews B, Harris T, Adler Z, Bridge L. Social support, self-esteem and depression. Psychological Medicine. 1986;16:813–831.

Carver, C.S., Lehman, J.M. and Antoni, M.H., 2003. Dispositional pessimism predicts illness-related disruption of social and recreational activities among breast cancer patients. Journal of personality and social psychology, 84(4), p.813.

Cassidy, K., 2007. Tuckman Revisited: Proposing a New Model of Group Development for Practitioners. Journal of Experiential Education, 29(3), pp.413-417

Chilman, C.S., 1986. Some psychosocial aspects of adolescent sexual and contraceptive behaviors in a changing American society. School-age pregnancy and parenthood: Biosocial dimensions, pp.191-217.

Douglas, T. (1995) Survival In Groups: The Basics of Group Membership Buckingham: Open University Press

Harris, J.R., 1995. Where is the child’s environment? A group socialization theory of development. Psychological review, 102(3), p.458.

Hogg, M.A., 2016. Social identity theory. In Understanding Peace and Conflict Through Social Identity Theory (pp. 3-17). Springer International Publishing.

Keenan, T. (2016) ‘An Introduction to Child Development’. (3rd ed.) London:Sage

Khan , S. (2010) Scribd. [Online] Available from: [accessed 28 November 2017].

Martin, G., Carlson, N., and Buskist, W. (2013). Psychology. (5th edn). Harlow. Pearson.

Martin, N. et al. (2013)  ‘Psychology.’ (1rd ed.) Harlow:Pearson

Martin, N. et al. (2013)  ‘Psychology.’ (2rd ed.) Harlow:Pearson

Martin, N. et al. (2013)  ‘Psychology.’ (3rd ed.) Harlow:Pearson

McCormally, TJ 2012, ‘Great Person Theory Explains TEI’s Success over Nearly Seven Decades’, Tax Executive, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 18 November 2017.

Pavlov, I.P. and Anrep, G.V., 2003. Conditioned reflexes. Courier Corporation.

Piaget, J., 1997. The moral judgement of the child. Simon and Schuster.

Psychological resources, positive illusions, and health. American psychologist, 55(1), p.99.

Seligman, M. (2006). Learned optimism: How to change your mind and your life. New York: Vintage Books.

Taylor, S.E., Kemeny, M.E., Reed, G.M., Bower, J.E. and Gruenewald, T.L., 2000.

Wild, L.G., Flisher, A.J., Bhana, A. and Lombard, C., 2004. Associations among adolescent risk behaviours and self‐esteem in six domains. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, 45(8), pp.1454-1467.

Freud. (1950) The Interpretation of Dreams.niversity Press.

Geneviève Robert and Antonio Zadra. Thematic and Content Analysis of Idiopathic Nightmares and Bad Dreams. Sleep, Vol. 37, No. 2, 201

Hartmann, E., 1984. The nightmare: The psychology and biology of terrifying dreams. Basic Books (AZ).

Karni, A., Tanne, D., Rubenstein, B.S., Askenasy, J.J. and Sagi, D., 1994. Dependence on REM sleep of overnight improvement of a perceptual skill. Science, 265(5172), pp.679-682.

Martin, E.I., Ressler, K.J., Binder, E. and Nemeroff, C.B., 2009. The neurobiology of anxiety disorders: brain imaging, genetics, and psychoneuroendocrinology. Psychiatric Clinics, 32(3), pp.549-575.

Schenck, C.H. and Mahowald, M.W., 2002. REM sleep behavior disorder: clinical, developmental,and neuroscience perspectives 16 years after its formal identification in SLEEP. Sleep: Journal of sleep and Sleep Disorders Research.

Sher, L., 2004. Recognizing post-traumatic stress disorder.

Spoormaker, V. (2008). A cognitive model of recurrent nightmares. International Journal of DreamResearch, 1(1), 15-22.

Zadra, A. (1996). Recurrent dreams: Their relation to life events. In D. Barrett (ed.), Trauma and dreams. Cambride, MA, US: Harvard

Zadra, A. and Donderi, D.C., 2000. Nightmares and bad dreams: Their prevalence and relationship to well-being. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 109(2), p.273.

Creswell, J. W, Plano Clark, V. L., Guttmann, M. L., & Hanson, E. E. (2003). Advanced mixed methods researchdesign. In A.Tashakkori and C. Teddlie (Eds.), Handbook of mixed methodsin social and be- havioral research(pp. 209-240). Thousand Oaks , CA: Sage.

Guba, EG and Lincoln, YS. (1994). “Competing paradigms in qualitative research.” In NK Denzin and YS Lincoln (eds.) Handbook of Qualitative

Research. pp. 105-117.

Haney, C., Banks, W.C. and Zimbardo, P.G., 1973. A study of prisoners and guards in a simulated prison. Naval research reviews, 9(1-17).

Helmenstine, Todd. (2017, August 4). Control vs. Experimental Group: How Do They Differ?

Johnson, E., Atlas, S., Payne, J. (2011). Time preferences, mortgage choice and strategic default. Unpublished manuscript, Columbia University, Columbia

Business School, New York, NY

Johnson, R.B. and Onwuegbuzie, A.J., 2004. Mixed methods research: A research paradigm whose time has come. Educational researcher, 33(7), pp.14-26.

Mackenzie, N. and Knipe, S., 2006. Research dilemmas: Paradigms, methods and methodology. Issues in educational research, 16(2), pp.193-205.

Martin, N. et al. (2013)  ‘Psychology.’ (3rd ed.) Harlow:Pearson

McLeod, S. A. (2012). Experimental method.

Rosenthal, R., & Rosnow, R. L. (1984). Applying Hamlet’s question to the ethical conduct of research: A conceptual addendum. American Psychologist, 39(5), 561.


Task 8

Critical Reflection

I have picked to use Gibbs 1988 as my model.


I will be talking about a event that shocked me for the whole day. On Friday evening i was walking back home and came to a cross road without looking left and right I had put two feet onto the road and suddenly a car came zooming by and this scared me.


At the time my heart was racing as if i had just been on the ride of my life I was so terified and petrified. I couldn’t really speak and just stood still.


I gained some knowledge out of this experience and this was that I must always look left and right and try and listen out for cars when I next try and cross the road.


The only sense I had made out of the situation is that cars and bikes are on rounds and so it is critical that people must know what is around them at all time when about to cross roads.


Before crossing the road I could have looked both left and right and then I would know if the road was busy or not I could have then tried to listen to hear if their was a car coming or not.

Action of plan

Next time crossing i will be more responsible and look both left and right and the road was very busy next time I would just need to cross at either a zebra crossing or a traffic light.



Task 10

Top ten tips for effective study:

1: Having a full stomach

2: Being stress free

3: Making a clear plan

4: Fresh air

5: Study with a friend

6: Don’t study for long hour’s.

7: Keep a bottle of water next to you

8: Set a goal before study

9: Change up where you are studdying so, one time can be in the kitchen and the next time could be in the library

10: Ask a friend or a teacher for help if you get stuck

Networks of Support

In the first circle i decided to pick my mother and father and my cousin and the reason why is because they are so close to me and i can open up to them about anything not only do they listen but they are there for me everyday and will always be there for me.

In the next circle i have my friends and my course friends both set of friends are very close. In my course when we got into groups there was a group chat that was made and everyone is still part of that chat to this day, we speak our problems, what work we have to do and also make sure that everybody is well and fine.

On the outside circle there aren’t many people i am close with, there is the RSA however, he tries to be there for everybody and tried to focus on himself and that is understandable. When first coming into halls he was there and speaking to us all and telling us what he expects but trying to be fun about it and that was cool, lately he has been getting closer to us all and that’s good for him and for us that live in the flat.



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