Advocacy Placement Year 2


Harvard Reference List Overview

Reference lists are created to allow readers to locate original sources themselves. Each citation in a reference list includes various pieces of information including the:

Name of the author(s)
Year published
City published
Pages used

Asch, S.E., 1955. Opinions and social pressure. Readings about the social animal, 193, pp.17-26.

Brenes, G.A., 2003. Anxiety and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: prevalence, impact, and treatment. Psychosomatic medicine, 65(6), pp.963-970.

Brown GW, Andrews B, Harris T, Adler Z, Bridge L. Social support, self-esteem and depression. Psychological Medicine. 1986;16:813–831.

Carver, C.S., Lehman, J.M. and Antoni, M.H., 2003. Dispositional pessimism predicts illness-related disruption of social and recreational activities among breast cancer patients. Journal of personality and social psychology, 84(4), p.813.

Cassidy, K., 2007. Tuckman Revisited: Proposing a New Model of Group Development for Practitioners. Journal of Experiential Education, 29(3), pp.413-417

Chilman, C.S., 1986. Some psychosocial aspects of adolescent sexual and contraceptive behaviors in a changing American society. School-age pregnancy and parenthood: Biosocial dimensions, pp.191-217.

Douglas, T. (1995) Survival In Groups: The Basics of Group Membership Buckingham: Open University Press

Harris, J.R., 1995. Where is the child’s environment? A group socialization theory of development. Psychological review, 102(3), p.458.

Hogg, M.A., 2016. Social identity theory. In Understanding Peace and Conflict Through Social Identity Theory (pp. 3-17). Springer International Publishing.

Keenan, T. (2016) ‘An Introduction to Child Development’. (3rd ed.) London:Sage

Khan , S. (2010) Scribd. [Online] Available from: [accessed 28 November 2017].

Martin, G., Carlson, N., and Buskist, W. (2013). Psychology. (5th edn). Harlow. Pearson.

Martin, N. et al. (2013)  ‘Psychology.’ (1rd ed.) Harlow:Pearson

Martin, N. et al. (2013)  ‘Psychology.’ (2rd ed.) Harlow:Pearson

Martin, N. et al. (2013)  ‘Psychology.’ (3rd ed.) Harlow:Pearson

McCormally, TJ 2012, ‘Great Person Theory Explains TEI’s Success over Nearly Seven Decades’, Tax Executive, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 18 November 2017.

Pavlov, I.P. and Anrep, G.V., 2003. Conditioned reflexes. Courier Corporation.

Piaget, J., 1997. The moral judgement of the child. Simon and Schuster.

Psychological resources, positive illusions, and health. American psychologist, 55(1), p.99.

Seligman, M. (2006). Learned optimism: How to change your mind and your life. New York: Vintage Books.

Taylor, S.E., Kemeny, M.E., Reed, G.M., Bower, J.E. and Gruenewald, T.L., 2000.

Wild, L.G., Flisher, A.J., Bhana, A. and Lombard, C., 2004. Associations among adolescent risk behaviours and self‐esteem in six domains. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, 45(8), pp.1454-1467.



Reflection on term one

Term one for university has been very positive. During the first term i found out a lot of new ways how to work things for my work and also for myself living on campus. Getting to classes in the morning and afternoon i found good because i was motivated and knew that if i put work in it would pay of. It was great getting to know people that was on my course and that lived in the same halls as me. psychology teaches us about ourselves and other people and during the whole term i found out a lot about myself and other people and i knew exactly what i had to do and that was be myself and try my best to work hard and see it through the term in one piece.

Reflecting on written feedback

In my formative essay i decided to write about reserch methods. I think that for my first essay it went well i got the pass grade that i needed to then set my self of the the rest of the essays to come and this made my confidence grow. The feedback was very positive and where there is good there is also improvements, i got told that by making the essay better i had to structure it better and almost making it in to a story my giving it a beginning, middle and end.

Communication skills

When looking back at the recording of myself talking in a group i found out that i have a lot of strengths and also have a little bit of weaknesses.

While taking to my peers i give myself time and i didn’t  rush my speech and this gives them a great understand of what i am trying to say to them. While speaking to my peers i tried my best to engage them and ask questions and try and make the conversation flow this meant that people would’t have to worry too much about the fact that a camera is watching and it meant that they could be their self. Another strength is that i was sensitive to people and this means i wasn’t asking any awkward questions to people because it might result to them either getting upset or angry and so i was sensitive so that the recording could go smooth and clear. The key in this skill was listening and showed plenty of it i showed i listened by speaking about either their hobby or something else.

During the recording i also showed a small weaknesses. One of them was that i didn’t speak too much about myself and i was asking other people a lot of questions and i felt like maybe it was a little too much next next i should try and not ask too many questions because it could put people of and might them feel a little funny. Another weakness was that i didn’t make too much eye contact with my peers and this could them confused and might not know who i was speaking to.

Why Psychology

For my work experience I worked at a hospital, my job was to talk to some of the patients and see how they were doing, I found this very useful because it meant I could speak to people and try and find out a little bit about them. When seeing some of the patients there I could see that some of them were very upset and therefore this meant that I had to make sure that my emotional intelligence was good and the reason being was so i didn’t upset anyone.

After going on placement i knew that i wanted to work close to people and try and help people out with everyday life problems, i found that there was only some courses that could help me out with this. I’ve picked to study psychology because of several reasons and it also means that i can improve myself as a person and gain more traits. By studying psychology is also means i can learn a lot about myself and it also means that i can learn about other people. Another reason why i picked Psychology is because i wanted to learn how people can lead others easy even if their attentions were bad or good so for an example Hitler, how did he get people to do such bad things and how did they accept so easy?

Psychology is the study of the human mind and it’s functions.

About me.

Who am I ? 

My name is Faical Benaziza I’m 18 years old and was born on the 21st April 1999. If i could pick three words to describe my personality it would be: outgoing, extraversion and extraordinary. I’ve lived with my parents all my life and they are my role models in life and i’ll alway’s look up to them for advice. I believe that everything has a purpose and that everything should start small, a plant can’t be a plant straight away it needs the sun, water and time to grow. Time for me is so important because you will never get it back and this is why i try and not waste my time be grumpy or upset but i try and make sure that i use it wisely by spending it with the people i care about and trying to make myself a better individual. I’m currently a student at University of St mark & St John and I’m studying Psychology. I’m a spontaneous person because i believe that sometimes planing too much can just stress a person out.


Post 2

Post 1

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