Communication Skills (Task 3)

My presentation skills are an area I definitely need to improve on. I feel quite uncomfortable in the setting, where people are all staring at me at once and feel the pressure to deliver. I become very anxious when presenting and I think that it is noticeable. It’s definitely not one of my strong points as I don’t like being put on the spot or feeling like others are expecting something from me. On the other hand I do have some interesting view points to share with others but am definitely much better at expressing myself through writing than I am with face to face contact or on camera. I’ve found this applies in several different settings. I may have what I would consider some great ideas but find it very hard to articulate them verbally and end up stuttering, back tracking and even forgetting what I am talking about whereas if someone asks me to write down my ideas they are often presented very well.

Reflecting on feedback (Task 4)

I was quite surprised at how positive my feedback was for my first essay. I expected constructive criticism as although I knew I already knew a lot about behaviour (or at least thought I did) I knew absolutely nothing about how an academic course might work as it had been a very long time since I had been in that type of environment.  I was given criticism on obvious things such as grammar and improper referencing. Overall I was completely ecstatic with my feedback and in all honestly I am every time I get my essay results. My plans for my future essays are to try and stick more to my actual plan. This seems to be quite difficult for me as I start writing about something thinking it’s a brilliant idea and then I think of another dozen brilliant ideas I want to include. I’d like to try and stick to a few points and write constructively about them.  Although this might sound like a pretty simple plan, I am quite interested in a vast amount of things so I need to try and focus more and stick to the point. (This could probably be quite a good life plan for myself in general). I also need to concentrate more, which unfortunately is something I can’t change immediately, this is something I will probably have to work on throughout my life.

I am feeling very grateful.


Have a blessed day.



About me (Task 1)

I am an astral being, stuck in a human shell, floating on a island made out of big rocks, sat in the middle of the sea on another massive big rock that just so happens form a sphere that creates a curve in spacetime, creating a gravitational pull, with it’s own orbiting moon. This spinning rock is called planet earth and I don’t belong here, I don’t belong to this country and I don’t belong to this city and I certainly don’t belong to another person. I belong to the whole universe (or maybe something much bigger), apart of a collective consciousness. There’s nothing in particular I’d like the rest of my class mates to know about myself, I’d rather just let information roll off the tongue as and when I feel like it, quite like verbal diarrhoea.  I guess you could assume from this piece of text that I quite like a laugh and get carried away with my own ideas quite a bit but a piece of information I would like to share actually is that I despise it when people laugh at another persons expense.

Have a blessed day.



Why Psychology? (Task 2)

From a very early age I realised that I might just have been much more aware than the people I was surrounded by.  I thought very regularly, ‘Oh good lord, these people are completely deranged’.  It seemed that my love and compassion for others ran much deeper than the average person and I couldn’t quite grasp other people’s need to hurt one another in order to feel better. The whole idea seemed completely absurd.  I noticed this toxicity at school, at home and on the television when I would watch people in parliament verbally abuse each other to get their point across. Every where in every group there seemed to me to be a ringleader, a few followers apathetic to the needs of the sensitive and then the few at the bottom of the pile that these people would hurt and ostracise in order to boost their own feelings of validation.  At about the age of fourteen I realised that even people who had what I would consider a reasonably good social conditioning seemed to follow these rules of order that suppresses the entire planet, yet for some reason we all still moan about it but do nothing about it and expect a change. I realised myself that this was insanity.  People seem to crave love and affection but are not willing to act with compassion and fear the consequences of standing up to the master at the top of the pyramid that abuses everyone around them.  Something I read on a Facebook page a long time ago that has stuck with me ever since which I think if people really took in we could actually change the negative ways of the world, ‘The apathetic person thinks they are avoiding confrontation by not standing up to the abuser, when in actual fact they are enabling the abuse of the empath and the entire world’. I am interested extremely in what posses people to act so violently, whether it be bullies in the playground, rapist priests and Hollywood stars, parents who beat their children, starving people all over the world and so on… I am more interested though in what on earth posses a person and an entire nation/planet to ignore acts that are so sick that they have heard or seen and that is one of probably a hundred reasons why I choose psychology; to find the ultimate reasons for world suffering in a hope to cure humanity of their insane sickness (I recon this could be the start of a brilliant spirituality book).


Have a blessed day.



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