
Many of our students are moving away from home for the first time. Some are returning to study, whilst others come to us from overseas. To help you settle we offer an accommodation guarantee to students studying at Marjon for the first time on our Plymouth campus, ensuring you a room either on campus or in off-site University approved accommodation.


The benefits of living on-campus at Marjon include:

  • Safe environment with 24/7 campus support from duty staff and senior resident students.
  • Accommodation owned and managed by the University, so no surprise fees.
  • Contents insurance, utility bills and broadband are included (with broadband support).
  • Convenient and sociable with study, dining, social and sports facilities all on your doorstep!

Moving In

You will need to bring your own:

  • Pillows and a duvet
  • Bed linen
  • Crockery and cutlery
  • Tea towels
  • Iron
  • Towels
  • Laundry bag and washing powder
  • Coat hangers
  • Alarm clock
  • Extension leads
  • TV – you’ll need a TV licence
  • Music system
  • Laptop
  • Toiletries
  • Hairdryer/straighteners

On moving in day staff will be on hand to issue your keys, you will need ID to collect these.

Living on Campus

Campus Support

Campus Security Staff look after the safety and security of the establishment and conduct regular patrols.

Campus Security, Student Life Officers and Resident Student Assistants (RSAs) are on a duty rota out of normal office hours.

The Student Life Officers are responsible for:

  • Resident student welfare.
  • Maintaining good resident conduct.
  • Disciplinary procedures for misconduct.
  • Mentoring and working closely with the RSAs.

Campus can be a lively place to live with a diverse population and sometimes not everyone is able to “get along”.

The Sthudent Life Officers can help with noisy neighbours, feeling homesick, not knowing your way around and are the first port of call for any incidents or accidents.

The Campus Security Staff assist in making your stay on campus enjoyable whilst taking into account everyone’s safety and wellbeing.

In the event of an incident please call 01752 636700 then extension 2222 and the Campus Security Staff will contact the duty RSA.

Code of Practice

The University aims to comply with and is committed to the standards of the Universities UUK/Guild HE Code of Practice for the Management of Student Housing.  The code can be viewed at


In the first instance your complaint should be raised with the Accommodation Administrator.  Should your problem not be resolved and you have cause for concern then please refer to the complaints procedure section of the Student Regulations Framework in the Student Handbook.


Good Conduct and Student Discipline apply as agreed by the Council of Management of the University. If you cannot conduct yourself in a socially acceptable manner you will be subject to the disciplinary procedures.

  • Bullying – Can be physical, verbal, written or visual abuse, harassment, discrimination or intimidation. Bullying may be discrimination as a result of an individual’s disability, gender, age, ethnicity, religion or sexuality.  Exclusion or being ignored by your friends, pressure to take part in so-called ‘initiation ceremonies’ in order to be accepted or intrusion of privacy are also forms of bullying. Any attention which is unwanted and causes you to feel harassed, fearful, alarmed or distressed is thought of as ‘unacceptable behaviour’. Any incident of unacceptable behaviour brought to the University’s attention will be formally investigated and may, where proven, lead to the dismissal of a member of staff or the expulsion of a student.
  • Anyone who has suffered a bullying incident is encouraged to report the matter, informally or formally, by following the appropriate procedure for students which are set out in the Student Handbook.
  • Quiet Enjoyment – You are expected to have quiet enjoyment and are requested to show a consideration to others with regard to noise. Avoid at all times being a nuisance and annoyance to others.  You are expected to show a healthy respect to one another.  After midnight it is expected that residents will keep noise to a minimum.
  • Respect – A lack of respect for values and consideration for others, together with anti-social behaviour of some individuals can make life a misery for others.  We all have responsibilities as well as rights, civility and good manners.  We need to know if people are behaving in an unacceptable manner. If you are being affected please report this to the Accommodation Office, Campus Support Team or Marjon Student Union or Student Support.


Your contents are insured whilst you are a Licensee.  A copy of your policy is in your room on arrival or visit

Living with Others

It’s normal to feel nervous about moving in with a stranger. But it’s important to move in with a positive and open mind, after all there is an upside to living with a roommate.

See our top tips for moving in.

We recognise that unfortunately, occasionally, there are disputes between housemates. This may be due to a clash of lifestyles and different expectations can cause friction. If you are having problems it is a good idea to talk to your housemate before it goes too far. They might not realise that there is an issue and most people will work with you to find a solution.

If you are unable to come to a mutually satisfying resolution you can talk to one of our Student Life Officers. Email Matt Hulbert at or Sophie Corner at .

If you are worried about a housemate’s mental health and/or you are being affected by their behaviour, support and advice is available. You can contact Student Support on 01752 636891 or email

Care Experienced Students

Campus accommodation is offered all year round for care experienced applicants for the duration of their course

Moving out of Halls

For many university students, moving out of halls is an exciting time. After all, there is nothing quite like getting the keys to your first house and making it your own. But taking the leap from university accommodation into private renting is a big thing and comes with its own stresses.

When to look

Give yourself time to decide who you are going to share with. You will feel pressure to get this arranged as early as October but please wait until January/February when Marjon Student Union will have advice and guidance for you.

Don’t rush into things

Choosing who to live with isn’t as easy as it may first seem. Before you make the decision you need to think hard. Private accommodation isn’t flexible like student halls, and if problems arise your landlord cannot settle personal disputes. You cannot up and leave if your living situation no longer suits you or if you have a falling out with someone. Furthermore, whilst a student house gives you the privacy of your own home and an independence that halls do not allow, privacy amongst those living there is almost non-existent. Try to move in with people who are similar to you, with similar routines and similar tolerance levels.

Choose your place wisely

Choosing where to live is important because the location of your new home will have an effect on your whole routine. Depending on who you’re moving in with, what your requirements are, and how flexible you are, there might not be much choice available. Most student houses are simple, often with some small rooms and basic furnishings – so compromise is important and you need to keep an open mind when viewing. That being said, shop around and don’t be tempted to sign a contract for the first house you see.

Top Tips

  • Think hard about who you are going to live with
  • View a perspective property as a group and never go alone.
  • Be united as a group when making final decisions.
  • Insist on seeing all areas of the property.
  • Do not allow yourself to be rushed into anything.
  • Do not accept a house if you have ANY DOUBTS.
  • What the rent does and does not include e.g., gas, electricity, other services
  • On what you are asked to pay in advance, is it for rent, deposit, or bits of both
  • There are no hidden extras
  • Get any Agreement in writing.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Voice your concerns regarding your tenancy to your landlord/agent before accepting a property. Ask all your questions before you sign an Agreement.

NEVER sign an Agreement to take on accommodation you have not viewed or that is in the process of “being purchased” or is in the process of “being done up”.


You will be asked to pay a deposit when you sign your Agreement. The amount can vary considerably from one week to two months’ rent in advance. Always obtain a receipt for your deposit and make sure you know precisely what the deposit covers.

Your landlord/agent has to protect your deposit by placing it in a Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme, within fourteen days of taking it from you. You should then be given the following details:

  • The contact of the tenancy deposit scheme
  • The contact details of the landlord/agent
  • How to apply for the release of the deposit
  • Information explaining the purpose of the deposit
  • What to do is there is a dispute about the deposit

You have a responsibility to return the property in the same condition that is was let to you, allowing for fair wear and tear.

Right to rent checks

Your landlord will have to check that you are eligible to rent a property in the UK.

You will need to show them one of the following documents and allow the landlord to take copies, prior to the tenancy starting:

  • UK passport
  • EEA/Swiss national passport/identity card
  • Registration Certificate or document certifying permanent residence of EEA/Swiss national
  • EEA/Swiss family member Permanent Residence card
  • Biometric Residence Permit with unlimited leave
  • Passport or travel document with unlimited leave
  • UK immigration status document endorsed with unlimited leave
  • A certificate of naturalisation or registration as a British Citizen
  • A valid passport endorsed with a time-limited period
  • Biometric immigration document with permission to stay for time-limited period
  • Non-EEA national residence card
  • UK immigration status document with a time-limited endorsement from the Home Office

OR two of the following documents in combination:

  • UK birth or adoption certificate
  • Full or provisional UK driving licence
  • A letter from HM Prison Service
  • A letter from a UK Government Department or Local Authority
  • A letter from National Offender Management Service
  • Evidence of current or previous service in UK armed forces
  • A letter from a police force confirming that certain document have been reported stolen
  • A letter from a private rented sector access scheme
  • A letter of attestation from an employer
  • A letter from a UK further or higher education institution
  • A letter of attestation from a UK passport holder working in an acceptable profession
  • Benefits paperwork


Where to get Help

Coping with housing problems can be stressful and sometimes it’s difficult to know where to begin. Below are some links that can help with problems such as dealing with landlords, struggling to pay rent or finding a place to stay if you become homeless.


Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice can provide advice on housing issues to anyone.


Citizens Advice also has a website dedicated to students in private rented accommodation.


The Mix

The Mix can provide advice on housing to those under 25.

To find out more, visit the Mix website.

Or call: 0808 808 4994

Direct Gov

The Direct Gov. website outlines your rights and responsibilites as a tenant in private rented accommodation in relation to the following:

  • Document checks
  • Your landlord’s safety responsibilities
  • Repairs
  • Rent increases
  • Rent disputes
  • Rent arrears
  • Deposits
  • Houses in multiple occupation
  • Anti-social behaviour
  • Changes to a regulated tenancy
  • Complaints