04/03/19 massage two



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 30 minute MET stretching using Post Isometric stretching technique on calfs. 15 minute K-Tape on calf muscle to add pressure to pain area and increase circulation for recovery

Reflective Summary: Client has been running 6 minute miles for the past 2 weeks. He has severe pain in calf muscles and described the pain as tight. On palpation clients pain in both sides of calf muscles was in the gastrocnemius belly (middle of calf). In this session I decided not to do massage as the client was in a lot of pain just from palpation. I used PIR stretching and the client described the pain being reduced and felt less tight. I then K-Taped both calfs to add pressure and support circulation to speed up recovery. I did this by placing one strip from the achilles to a few inches below the knee and then another strip across the pain in the gastrocnemius belly

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: My stretching technique went smoothly and I was able to add the right amount of pressure to not hurt the client. My K-Taping wasn’t as smooth as I would like it to be so I would like to practice this for future clients

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