Soft Tissue Experience

My first massage. (Date of Massage

My client was a 21 year old female.Her job is applying semi-permanent eyelashes which means she is hunched over for sometimes 12 hours a day which puts a lot of strain on her neck and back. Because of this I focused primarily on massaging her whole back and neck. I Mainly used effleurage and petrissage technique. I did a lot of wringing on her neck area as she said it was easing the tension a lot. As well as picking up the skin around her shoulder area. Afterwards I went through neck stretches she can do between clients. I gave her a post isometric stretch holding her head under tension for 10 seconds and then releasing.

My second Massage. (Date of Massage)
My client was a 25 year old female. She is a regular gym goer. Particularly lifting weights. Because of this she had a lot of strain on her lower back. I massaged her lower back mainly using effleurage and petrissage. A technique she seemed to really benefit from was neuromuscular technique. I did this technique in 6 different sections of her lower back. After I gave her some stretches she can do to help with her pain. Holding her arms behind her quadriceps, bending her legs and pulling against her legs.