29/04/19 massage four



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 35 minute calf massage and 15 minute K-taping shins

Reflective Summary: Client came into the clinic complaining of tight calves on both (L) and (R). Client also has a history of shin splint which had been diagnosed by a professional. Client explained she used to dance on concrete floor which contributed to the shin splints. I used effleurage and petrissage technique focusing on the medial side mainly as that was the most pain when palpating.  I then K-Taped the tibial on the shin on the medial side to add pressure and help with the shin splints.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: I would like to read up more on shin splints and how I can massage to ease this. I also feel I could have communicated a little better to see how much pain the client can take.

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