11/12/18 Massage two



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45-minute massage on lower back and hamstrings

Reflective Summary:Client has been lifting weights in the gym 6/7 and has a very tight lower back and hamstrings. I tested the client’s ROM in flexion, extension and lateral rotation- all were restricted.

I also got the client to stretch over and touch their toes and they had pain in this movement. I performed 20 minutes on the lower back using petrissage techniques and then 15 minutes on the hamstrings using petrissage techniques also. After we tested the client’s ROM in all the same positions and each movement had improved ROM however still pain in touching toes.


Areas for further improvement plus action plan:

I feel the client needs to strengthen their lower back in order to not have as much pain from the gym. I would like to research some lower back strengthening exercises I could have given. Client should come in for regular massages and take more rest days in order for their body to recover

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