14/12/18 massage


Location: Clinic

Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45 minutes upper back and neck effleurage and petrissage technique

Reflective Summary: Client was complaining of back pain from moving to a new house and lifting lots of stuff and bending over. When assessing their posture, it was good however, when palpating the upper back and neck client had pain. I used effleurage and petrissage techniques on the upper trapezius and levator scapulae. Client had lots of trigger points in the upper back by the trapezius so I used muscular skeletal (MSK) and client had relieved pain.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: Client needs to rest and stretch out their muscles. I have given the client back MET stretches and to come in for some more massages to get out all the trigger points.

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