01/04/19 massage (OPEN CLINIC)


Location:Open Clinic

Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session:45 minutes effleurage and petrissage massage on quadriceps. MET’S on hip flexors

Reflective Summary: Client had restricted movement on quadriceps and a tense pain. I performed effleurage and petrissage technique on both quadricep muscles. Most of the client’s pain on palpation of quadriceps was laterally on both sides so I focused mostly on this area and using wringing technique primarily I used lifting and wringing technique mostly. I then moved onto post isometric stretching for the hip flexor as client had tight hip flexors.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan:

Client was able to relax during hip flexing stretching and felt more released after so we will do this at the next session as well and some glute releases and more quadricep massage




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