29/04/19 Massage



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45-minute massage on quadriceps and hamstrings using effleurage and petrissage technique and tapotement to prepare for gym session.

Reflective Summary: Client came to me with a feeling of tightness in quadricep and hamstring muscles. On palpation (R) quadricep had more pain that (L) and (R) hamstring had more pain than (L) although pain present in both sides. When assessing ROM, the right hamstring had very limited movement and pain and was only able to extend the leg to 50 degrees. The left leg was able to extend to 90 degrees; however, a tightness pain was still present. I Began massage on the better side (L) quadricep performing wringing and skin rolling. I carried out the same actions on the (R) quad. I then went onto massage the hamstrings I used tapotement method– hacking and beating to prepare these muscles for a predominately hamstring session at the gym my client was about to do. Afterwards I assessed the ROM again for quads and hamstrings and both had improved slightly, and client said he felt in less pain.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: When using tapotement method I struggled to get a consistent rhythm so I would like to work on this.

04/03/19 massage two



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 30 minute MET stretching using Post Isometric stretching technique on calfs. 15 minute K-Tape on calf muscle to add pressure to pain area and increase circulation for recovery

Reflective Summary: Client has been running 6 minute miles for the past 2 weeks. He has severe pain in calf muscles and described the pain as tight. On palpation clients pain in both sides of calf muscles was in the gastrocnemius belly (middle of calf). In this session I decided not to do massage as the client was in a lot of pain just from palpation. I used PIR stretching and the client described the pain being reduced and felt less tight. I then K-Taped both calfs to add pressure and support circulation to speed up recovery. I did this by placing one strip from the achilles to a few inches below the knee and then another strip across the pain in the gastrocnemius belly

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: My stretching technique went smoothly and I was able to add the right amount of pressure to not hurt the client. My K-Taping wasn’t as smooth as I would like it to be so I would like to practice this for future clients

25/04/19 massage three



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 30 minute effleurage and pettrisage massage on lower back. 15 minute K-Taping on lower back.

Reflective Summary:Client has been experiencing strain on their lower back. on posture analysis I discovered client has lordotic in lower back which will be putting strain on the loser back. I tested ROM in extension and flexion of back and client was in pain in both planes and had limited movement. I massaged using mostly skin and muscle rolling and lifting. I then moved onto taping across the pain sites in lower back to add pressure and improve circulation to recovery.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan:i believe the client should do some abdominal exercises and stretch out regularly to relieve tension. I will do more research on abdominal exercises to support the lordotic back.

25/04/19 massage two



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45 minutes effleurage and petrissage massage on hamstrings and quadriceps. MET’S on hamstrings.

Reflective Summary: Client had restricted movement on hamstrings and pain on quadriceps. I performed massage on right leg for 20 minutes and then left leg for 25 as that was the more painful side. I used lifting and wringing technique mostly.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: Client needs to work, or mobility as has been running every day and not stretching after. Next session we will go through stretches and more massage

25/04/19 massage (OPEN CLINIC)


Location: Open Clinic

Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45 minutes effleurage and petrissage technique on calf muscles, and K-Taping.

Reflective Summary: Client plays netball 6/7 and was complaining of tight calf muscles. On palpation the left gastrocnemius had more pain than right, so I started on the right gastrocnemius using mainly, wringing, skin and muscle rolling. I then moved onto the right leg and continued using the same techniques. To get deeper into the soleus muscle I picked up the leg and rested the foot onto my shoulder. I then moved onto K-Tape on the left leg to ease the pain by adding pressure to the sore area.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: When holding the leg, I found it difficult to add enough pressure to get deep into the soleus without the leg falling over. The action plan is to have regular massage and re-apply K-Tape at the next session.

24/04/19 massage



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45 minutes effleurage and petrissage technique massage on upper back

Reflective Summary: Client was complaining of upper back pain from stress and playing rugby 1/7 and gym 6/7, when I palpated the back, client had pain on erector spinae, trapezius and inferior angle of left scapula. Client had kyphosis in upper back from bad posture. I used myofascial release technique on trigger points of the upper trapezius. Client was in pain from my pressure when I asked for oxford scale, they said a 7 so I reduced my pressure to a 5.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan:

Client felt pain in the upper trapezius afterwards, I believe I may have applied too much pressure and I should have communicated more during the session to notice this before. Client Should come for regular massages and stretch after training sessions.

18/04/19 Massage two (OPEN CLINIC)


Location: Open Clinic

Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45 minutes calf effleurage and petrissage technique

Reflective Summary: Client has been squatting 160kg which is almost twice his body weight. Because of this his vastus medialis and vastus lateralis is extremely right and his rectus femoris has muscle bulkage on both sides, especially his left which was the most painful on palpation. Therefor I started on the less painful side which using mostly wringing and my elbow to get deeper. I then moved onto the left side and performed slow elbow movement from the bottom of the rectus fem to the top near the gracilis. I spent 20 minutes on each side

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: When using my elbow, I found it hard to control as sometimes my elbow would fall off the muscle. I believe I can improve this by asking a more experienced therapist a technique they use when using their elbow.

18/04/19 massage (OPEN CLINIC)


Location:Open Clinic

Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45-minute effleurage and petrissage on quadriceps muscle

Reflective Summary: Client has been squatting 160kg which is almost twice his body weight. Because of this his vastus medialis and vastus lateralis is extremely right and his rectus femoris has muscle bulkage on both sides, especially his left which was the most painful on palpation. Therefor I started on the less painful side which using mostly wringing and my elbow to get deeper. I then moved onto the left side and performed slow elbow movement from the bottom of the rectus fem to the top near the gracilis. I spent 20 minutes on each side.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: When using my elbow, I found it hard to control as sometimes my elbow would fall off the muscle. I believe I can improve this by asking a more experienced therapist a technique they use when using their elbow.

15/04/19 massage



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 30-minute effleurage and petrissage on chest. 15-minute effleurage and petrissage massage on lower back

Reflective Summary: Client has been performing chest exercises at the gym this week and has muscular pain in that area. I used mostly my finger tips and knuckles to get deep into the muscle. I didn’t put too much pressure on the client as they were sensitive. I massaged each pectoralis muscle for 15 minutes.  I then moved onto the lower back as the client was also complaining of muscular pain around his external and internal obliques. I again used mostly my finger tips and knuckles.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: I feel I could have used more pressure around the pectoralis muscles by using a different technique. I will find out what more experienced therapists use to massage the pectoralis muscles. Client should come in for regular massages for his muscular pain

13/04/19 massage two (OPEN CLINIC)


Location:Open Clinic

Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45-minute effleurage and petrissage on upper trapezius and scapula and levator scapula

Reflective Summary: Client lifts weights regularly at gym 6/7.Muscle bulkage on both sides’ erector spinae. More on right side. I started on left side as less painful side, using mostly wringing and lifting for 20 minutes. I then moved onto right side and performed mainly myofascial release on trigger points on upper trapezius around superior angle of scapula for 20 minutes.  Client also had tender serratus anterior, so I massaged using my thumbs for around 5 minutes each side.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan:  Client needs to use a foam roller and tennis ball after all weight lifting sessions on his upper back to relieve tension straight away when he cannot have a massage. I have given him stretches for his back- lying down on back, putting the opposite leg to the opposite side. Client will come in for regular massages.