13/04/19 massage (OPEN CLINIC)


Location:Open Clinic

Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45 minutes effleurage and petrissage massage on hamstrings and quadriceps. MET’S on hamstrings.

Reflective Summary: Client has severe muscular pain around the gastrocnemius and Achilles. As well as the top of his foot. Mainly using my forearm and elbow to get deeper into the tissue. The top of the foot had a lot of tension as well as around the Achilles which was causing ache. I used my thumbs around the foot and Achilles.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: I have given the client ankle strengthening exercises with a band to strengthen the foot and Achilles. Client should come in for regular massage to relieve the muscular pain.

9/04/19 massage two



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: Client lifts weights in the gym 6/7 and has back ache from over training. I performed 45 minute effleurage and petrissage on full back.

Reflective Summary: Clients upper trapezius had lots of knots. I used myofascial release technique for around 15 minutes of the massage. It did release a lot of the tension. I performed wringing on lower back and picking up technique around the neck.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: I have recommended client has more of a rest from lifting weights for at least a day. And I will give regular massage to release tensions and muscular pain.

9/04/19 massage

DATE: 9/04/19

Location: Open Clinic

Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: Client has extremely tight calf’s and Achilles pain returned 45 minutes of effleurage and petrissage on calf’s, around the Achilles area and top of the foot.

Reflective Summary: Client has severe muscular pain around the gastrocnemius and Achilles. As well as the top of his foot. Mainly using my forearm and elbow to get deeper into the tissue. The top of the foot had a lot of tension as well as around the Achilles which was causing ache. I used my thumbs around the foot and Achilles.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: I have given the client ankle strengthening exercises with a band to strengthen the foot and Achilles. Client should come in for regular massage to relieve the muscular pain.

08/04/19 massage two



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: Client was a netball player and had very tight hamstrings 5 minutes of effleurage and petrissage on the hamstrings.


Reflective Summary: Clients left leg was tighter from the right. So, I started on the right and performed mainly wringing as client expressed this felt the best. I moved onto the left leg and performed petrissage mainly with my elbow as client needed more pressure. I also did some myofascial release on the hip area.


Areas for further improvement plus action plan: Client should strengthen her gluteus muscles as when I did the glute test her hamstrings contracted before the glutes. So, I have given her some glute activating exercises (hip thrusts and kickbacks) which will help activate her glutes and hopefully start to take so much pressure of her hamstrings. Client also needs to come for regular massages.

8/04/19 massage



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: Client came complaining of tight back of their legs. The client has broken his left leg 14 months ago and is a professional basketball player. He explained that the left calf muscle has EMS and so he has to stretch it out every morning and foam rolls every morning so that he can move it.I performed  Effleurage and petrissage on calf’s and hamstrings 45 minutes.

Reflective Summary: As the patients left calf was extremely tight, I started on the right calf first performing effleurage and petrissage. The client wanted the massage to be harder, so I used my elbows and forearm mainly after warming the muscle up using effleurage techniques. I massaged each calf for 15 minutes. I then moved onto the hamstrings. Again, the client wanted a more intense massage, so I used mainly my elbows and forearm. Clients vastus lateralis muscles was extremely tight and we realised it was most probably to do with the tightness in his hips. So, I performed myofascial release on his gluteus muscles to try and release the hip. I performed MET’s. using the PIS techniques on his hamstrings and calfs and hips. I lay him down on the bed facing upwards and brought in his leg to his chest and then stretched out

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: As the left calf is extremely tight, I have recommended he have regular massages especially after games and training. I have also given him various different hip stretches he can perform daily to try and release the tension in his hips. As the client was very muscular it was hard for me to get enough pressure so I would like to work on a way to do this on bigger clients.

01/04/19 massage (OPEN CLINIC)


Location:Open Clinic

Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session:45 minutes effleurage and petrissage massage on quadriceps. MET’S on hip flexors

Reflective Summary: Client had restricted movement on quadriceps and a tense pain. I performed effleurage and petrissage technique on both quadricep muscles. Most of the client’s pain on palpation of quadriceps was laterally on both sides so I focused mostly on this area and using wringing technique primarily I used lifting and wringing technique mostly. I then moved onto post isometric stretching for the hip flexor as client had tight hip flexors.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan:

Client was able to relax during hip flexing stretching and felt more released after so we will do this at the next session as well and some glute releases and more quadricep massage




25/03/19 massage



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session:45 minutes effleurage and petrissage massage on hamstrings and MET’S on hamstrings.

Reflective Summary: Client had restricted movement on hamstrings I performed massage on right leg for 20 minutes and then left leg for 25 as that was the more painful side. I used lifting and wringing technique mostly. I then moved onto MET stretching of the hamstrings using post isometric relaxation technique. Client felt less pain and less tension afterwards

Areas for further improvement plus action plan:  Client needs to stretch and work on mobility as has been running every day and not stretching after. Next session we will go through stretches and more massage

11/03/19 massage two (OPEN CLINIC)


Location:Open Clinic

Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45 minutes effleurage and petrissage massage on hamstrings and quadriceps. MET’S on hamstrings.

Reflective Summary: Client had restricted movement on hamstrings and pain on quadriceps. I performed massage on right leg for 20 minutes and then left leg for 25 as that was the more painful side. I used lifting and wringing technique mostly.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: Client needs to work, or mobility as has been running every day and not stretching after. Next session we will go through stretches and more massage

11/03/19 massage (OPEN CLINIC)


Location:Open Clinic

Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45 minutes effleurage and petrissage massage on hamstrings and quadriceps. MET’S on hamstrings.

Reflective Summary: Client had restricted movement on hamstrings and pain on quadriceps. I performed massage on right leg for 20 minutes and then left leg for 25 as that was the more painful side. I used lifting and wringing technique mostly.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan:Client needs to work, or mobility as has been running every day and not stretching after. Next session we will go through stretches and more massage

07/03/19 massage

DATE: 07/03/19


Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45 minutes calf and quadricep effleurage and petrissage technique massage

Reflective Summary: Client has been hiking on a holiday for a week and has returned with tight calf and quadricep muscles. I palpated and the calf’s were the tightest, so I started on the quadriceps first using mainly wring and rolling and lifting techniques and then moved on after 10 minutes on each leg to the calf’s. I used the oxford scale to assess the pain with my client and stayed at a 5 mostly.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: Client will come for regular massages and will stretch daily to recover