14/12/18 massage


Location: Clinic

Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45 minutes upper back and neck effleurage and petrissage technique

Reflective Summary: Client was complaining of back pain from moving to a new house and lifting lots of stuff and bending over. When assessing their posture, it was good however, when palpating the upper back and neck client had pain. I used effleurage and petrissage techniques on the upper trapezius and levator scapulae. Client had lots of trigger points in the upper back by the trapezius so I used muscular skeletal (MSK) and client had relieved pain.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: Client needs to rest and stretch out their muscles. I have given the client back MET stretches and to come in for some more massages to get out all the trigger points.

11/12/18 Massage three

DATE: 11/12/18

Location: Clinic

Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session:


45 minutes upper back and neck effleurage and petrissage technique


Reflective Summary: Client is a training professional dancer- dancing 6 hours a day 5/7. When testing the ROM in all neck planes the client had pain in all positions and limited movement in flexion and extensions. I performed effleurage and petrissage techniques around the trapezius and under the inferior angle of scapula and on the levator scapulae muscle. Afterwards I did MET stretching with client in lateral flexion for the neck and the ROM improved.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: Client will come in for regular massages and make sure to stretch before and after dance training to ensure she is warm before dancing and performing dance moves that require flexibility.

11/12/18 Massage two



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45-minute massage on lower back and hamstrings

Reflective Summary:Client has been lifting weights in the gym 6/7 and has a very tight lower back and hamstrings. I tested the client’s ROM in flexion, extension and lateral rotation- all were restricted.

I also got the client to stretch over and touch their toes and they had pain in this movement. I performed 20 minutes on the lower back using petrissage techniques and then 15 minutes on the hamstrings using petrissage techniques also. After we tested the client’s ROM in all the same positions and each movement had improved ROM however still pain in touching toes.


Areas for further improvement plus action plan:

I feel the client needs to strengthen their lower back in order to not have as much pain from the gym. I would like to research some lower back strengthening exercises I could have given. Client should come in for regular massages and take more rest days in order for their body to recover

11/12/18 Massage

DATE: 11/12/18

Location: Clinic

Number of Hours: 1

Overview of Session: 40-minute effleurage and petrissage massage on hamstring and quadricep muscle

Reflective Summary: Client had been squatting weights 3/7 and had muscular ache on quadriceps and hamstrings. I performed 20-minute massages on each leg mainly using wringing and my forearms and elbows to get deep into the tissue as client needed more pressure. I then spent 5 minutes using MET stretching for the hamstrings and quadriceps

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: I feel I could have used more pressure by lowering the bed more to put my full body weight onto the client. Also, by using less lotion so I did not slide off as much. Client should use stretches we performed in the session after every gym session, also coming in for regular massages

7/12/18 Massage

DATE: 7/12/18


Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45 minutes effleurage and petrissage massage on hamstrings and quadriceps. MET’S on hamstrings.

Reflective Summary: Client had restricted movement on hamstrings and pain on quadriceps. I performed massage on right leg for 20 minutes and then left leg for 25 as that was the more painful side. I used lifting and wringing technique mostly.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: Client needs to work, or mobility as has been running every day and not stretching after. Next session we will go through stretches and more massage


29/11/18 massage



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45 minutes upper back and neck effleurage and petrissage technique

Reflective Summary: Client has tight upper back from lifting weights at gym 4/7. Posture good. ROM in back good also in all planes. But limited movement in rotation. I performed mostly myofascial release on the trigger points in upper trapezius and using fingers and thumbs around the scapula and on erector spinae. Clients pain on the scale went up to a 7 so I made sure to take down the pressure.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: Clients ROM improved after the massage. But may need to strengthen the back to support it when lifting weights. Client will perform back strengthening exercises every day and come in for a massage at least twice a week for the muscular pain.

27/11/18 massage



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session: 45 Minutes upper back, pectoralis’ and serratus interior’s effleurage and petrissage massage.

Reflective Summary: Client came straight after a chest day and had tight upper trapezius on both sides. Client has muscle bulkage more on his rhomboid major and minor muscles. I massaged upper back for 20 minutes and then the pectoralis muscle for 10 and the serratus anterior muscles for 15 as client had a lot of pain around that area.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: Clients right rhomboid muscle is larger than the left. I have given the client various back movements to perform equally on both sides to try and strengthen and even out both rhomboids. Client will come for regular sport massages twice a week.

23/11/18 massage



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session:


45 minute effleurage and petrissage massage on calfs and kineology tape applied




Reflective Summary: Client dances 6/7 and has shin splints which is restricting her from dancing at the moment. Tested ROM with her feet in plantar and dorsi flexion and she had pain in both and restricted movement in dorsi flexion. I used effleurage to warm up the muscles for around 10 minutes as it is very important to make sure you warm up the muscle properly with someone with shin splints. I then performed wringing, kneading and lifting mainly. Afterwards client was able to use full ROM in dorsi flexion.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: Client should get regular massages to make sure blood flow continues throughout legs. I have recommended also getting a foam roller to release tension straight away after dancing

22/11/18 massage

DATE: 20/11/18

Location: Clinic

Number of Hours: 1

Overview of Session:

45 minute effleurage and petrissage massage on calf muscles

Reflective Summary:

Client runs 6/7 and has tight calf muscles. I massaged using wringing, lifting and kneading. I also picked up the leg to get into the soleus muscle. Client was in a lot of pain and when I asked using the scale she said a 6 so I made sure to not go any more with the pressure.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan: Client needs to have regular massages on legs because of the amount of running she is doing. Next session we will massage the hamstrings as well as the calf’s and then also the quadricep muscles.

20/11/18 massage

DATE: 20/11/18

Location: Clinic

Number of Hours: 1

Overview of Session:

Client is a professional dancer with very tight back muscles. Massaged using effleurage and petrissage techniques for 45 minutes

Reflective Summary:

Client ROM in extension was limited because of the lower back limiting the movement and rotation movement was limited because of muscular pain. Client also had posterior pelvic tilt which is causing strain on the lower back. I massaged the external and internal obliques using mainly my elbows and finger tips to get into the deep muscle for 20 minutes and the upper trapezius using myofascial release technique on the myofascial trigger points. I then assessed the ROM and extension of the back had improved but not rotation. I also placed 2 koniology tape at the bottom of the back on the sacral spine to add pressure to help with the pain.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan:

Client needs regular massages to release the muscular pain from over training. The client also needs to strengthen stomach muscles to support her back. I have given her planks and ab workouts to complete at home.