13/11/18 massage two

DATE: 13/11/18

Location: Clinic

Number of Hours: 1

Overview of Session: Posture assessment, 45 minutes lower back, upper back and neck effleurage and petrissage massage.

Reflective Summary:

Client came to me with muscular lower back pain believed to be from lifting weights the day before. I assessed the ROM of his back by getting him to perform lateral rotation sat on the bed which he had limited movement. As well as forward bend which caused him pain in his lower back. I then assessed ROM in all neck positions, and he had pain in all positions. I believe the pain to be muscular from over training, so I gave him a full back and neck massage using effleurage and petrissage techniques. He said the most painful part was in the lower back, so I focused mainly on this area for 30 minutes and then 15 minutes on upper back and neck. The client had muscle bulk on his lower back and upper trapezius muscles.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan:

Client needs to focus on strengthening stomach muscles to support his back when lifting weights. So, I have given him ab exercises as well as back stretching exercises to stretch out after every session. The action plan is to have regular massage also.

13/11/18 massage



Number of Hours:1

Overview of Session:

45 minutes effleurage and petrissage on upper back and stretches to complete at home. And taping upper back for posture reasons


Reflective Summary:

Client came to me with sore upper traps and erector spinae. As well as around the neck area (levator scap).  I did mostly myofascial release around the upper trapezius area as the client had many knots. And lots of wringing around the neck area.

I then used tape to fix posture issues of being hunched over at work constantly. I taped it from the acromion, stretched 20% down to the PSIS. On both sides. The aim of this is to add pressure to her back to remind her to correct her posture.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan:

The client spends most of her time hunched over as she is a dentist, so I have given her stretches for her upper back to do daily and in-between her own clients.

Assess posture when client returns to see if stretched and taping has improved it.

9/11/18 Massage


DATE: 9/11/18

Location: Clinic

Number of Hours: 1

Overview of session: 45 minute pre event massage on calf muscle

Reflective Summary:

Client was a footballer with a game later on that day. He had been training football that week 5/7 and had very tight calf muscles as a result, However he also had a game later on.I performed some deep tissue massage for 15 minutes on the right and left gastrocnemius muscle, using mostly wringing and straight up and down movements using my thumbs. I then moved onto tappoment technique to warm up the muscles ready for his game.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan:

I feel I could of went further into the calf muscle by picking up the leg to get into the soleus muscle and not just working on the gastrocnemius. Client should return for further massage treatments and make sure to stretch out after every training and game.

8/11/18 massage




Number of Hours:1

Overview of session: 30 minute effleurage and petrissage massage on hamstrings and 15 minute K-Tape application on hamstring muscles

Reflective Summary: Client came with tight hamstring muscles from lifting weights at the gym, particularly leg exercises. Client had muscle bulge on both hamstrings and on palpation had pain in lateral and medial sides on both legs. I performed massage using mainly wringing technique and muscle rolling. I then went onto K-Tape both hamstrings to add pressure to the area. I applied one tape with 4 legs starting from just above the back of the knee to the top of the gluteus muscle. I repeated this on both legs. Client felt relieved of pain and supported from the tape to continue exercise at the gym after resting for a few days.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan:My massage went well. However my K-tape I had trouble cutting the 4 legs. I would like to work on this

8/11/18 Massage Reflection

DATE: 8/11/18

Location: Clinic

Number of Hours: 1

Overview of session:

45 minutes of effleurage and petrissage on lower back muscles

Reflective Summary:

On arrival to the clinic my patient was complaining of lower back pain. On palpation my client had very sore external obliques. Plus posterior pelvic tilt on posture assessment. I assessed the clients ROM in the spine by asking them to touch their toes with straight legs. My client was able to do so well with not much pain. The client has been running at the gym 4/7. So I have put the pain down to muscular pain. I massaged the lower back predominately using wringing technique mostly as client said that felt the best.


Areas for further improvement plus action plan:

I would like to research how to help posterior pelvic tilt so I can give my client more information regarding this. For the next session I will perform more effleuarage and petrissage as well as circular frictions.





Clinical Hours 5/11/18

5/11/18 Massage Reflection entry 

Number of Hours: 1


Reflective summary:

Client was a eyelash technician so spends her days with bad posture – elevated, protracted shoulders over a chair. She also spends 3/7 at the gym. Because of this she has tight upper trapezius and sore serratus anterior on both left and right sides. As well as lower back pain from the gym lifting weights. I performed effleurage and petrissage massage techniques on the whole back, focusing on any hard lumps found especially in the upper trapezius. I used a myofascial technique. Afterwards I showed the client back stretches to do in between her clients which included side stretched, cat stretch and lateral head tilts. I also recommended she used a tennis ball against a wall to release any lumps in her upper back if she cannot come for a massage.

Areas for further improvement plus action plan:

I have told my client to perform the stretches and use the tennis ball daily. When the client returns I will review with her if the pain has improved and perform massage techniques.Additionally I would like to improve communication throughout to make sure the pain is tolerable at all times using the oxford pain scale.