Study skills & resources

Useful software and tools:

Mendeley – free software/apps to manage PDFs of journal articles, book details and referencing. Marjon e-Learning Team help guides for Mendeley: Click here.

Scrivener – paid software, useful for organising large writing projects (e.g. dissertations).

Useful links and resources:

Academic Phrasebank – helps you develop your writing with a range of sections for different types of academic writing.

Finding academic literature:

Please note: some of the methods below will work ‘automatically’ if you are on campus, if you aren’t on campus, you may have to sign in to access certain resources.

Discovery – this is the Marjon library’s main search facility, be aware that it will return all types of source in the search results (e.g. books, peer-reviewed journals, non-academic journals etc).

Once you have found a relevant text (whether it’s a textbook or a peer-reviewed journal article), checking the reference list is an effective way of finding other relevant work. More recent journal articles often have ‘clickable’ links in their reference lists:

In the example above, clicking on the blue text starting ‘doi…..’ will take you to that article on the publication’s website.

Google Scholar