Red Dead Redemption 2 smashes entertainment box office records

The prequel to the original cult classic Red Dead Redemption has generated over $725 million (£650m) in it’s opening weekend hailing the title of ‘the second biggest entertainment launch of all time’. 

Second only to Rockstar games’ own Grand Theft Auto 5, RDR2 also holds the most pre-orders on the playstation network according to Sony and heavily surpasses Avengers Infinity Wars’ $640 million box office sales. 

Red Dead Redemption 2 has had an excellent opening weekend, critically acclaimed all over the world, holding a 97 Metacritic rating whilst also receiving gushing reviews from 99% of all online critics writing reviews for Metacritic, with zero negative ratings. 

The game follows the handcrafted story of gang member Arthur Morgan set in 1899 during the end of outlaws and gangs in western America. The game also includes additional background information on the original main character from the first installation John Marston, giving the fans well needed nostalgia and many answers to their previously unanswered questions.

Eight years after it’s predecessor RDR2 is blowing all story driven open world games out of the water, proving that Rockstar still haven’t lost their storytelling edge.

As an open world game rockstar have tailored a journey through the wide stretching wastelands and civilisations of the western world with stunning graphics, interesting character encounters that can impact your gameplay experience, realistic wildlife food-chain systems and many more well thought out components that makes this game the rising standard for video games and storytelling alike.

The game features a primary single player experience but also has a newly updated online game mode due for release later this year which hopes to improve upon the last installation of RDR Online.