Clinical reflection hour 40

STYC01 Clinical Reflections

Date Location Total Amount of Hours Overview of Session
18-04-19 Marjon sports clinic 1

40 overall

1x calf massage


Reflective Summary                   Areas for further Improvement plus action plan

The client was complaining of a pain at the bottom of their calf. I took this opportunity to revise the ankle assessment I did this through observation of the joint. Clearing the joints above and below. Palpating the area. Assessing active and passive ROM in the affected joint and using special tests such as the Thompsons test to see if there were any issues with the joint. After this is I preformed soft tissue massage on the gastoc and soleus.


When doing the ankle assessment, I don’t need to do all the tests as they are not all relevant. For example, the anterior draw test was not relevant to this specific client and therefore it would have saved me time to not do it.


Returning to reflections at a later date

Being a smart therapist is about testing for things that you are unsure about. The difference is in that situation it was clear that certain problems could be ruled out so they did not need to be tested and instead I could have spent more time treating the participant.

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