
I have now almost finished my first year of training to become a sports therapist. Although this first year has been stressful and hard, as any other university course, I can definitely say that I had chosen the correct course for me. It combines what I enjoy best, which has been sport and helping people overcome their possible injury. It has been interesting learning about the anatomy of the human body, as well as incorporating the practical element of the course. My skills in both massage and taping have improved, over the course of the year, learning a variety of increasing difficult techniques, with the year ending in treating members of the general public.

In the latter part of the year, we have also begun to look at rehabilitation techniques, from hydrotherapy to pilates and yoga, which has been very interesting, to see how the different techniques work. Also, this term has involved getting a real grip on using coaching techniques to help an athlete, and how to use these skills in the correct context.

Overall it has been a very successful start of the process of becoming a sports therapist, and one I can’t wait to continue.