November 12 2019

12th November 2019


Today we had our formative assessment for this module. We all performed and watched each other’s introductory talks and solo pieces and then gave feedback to each-other.


I felt nervous, as I have never performed a solo dance piece before.  However, after I finished the piece, I felt relieved and I gained encouragement from the feedback I received.


Positive Feedback:

  • Clear presentation, well explained and calm delivery.
  • Great rationalisation of choice and excellent explanation of my process.
  • Good range of movement, choreography and technique. The heavy, solid and more controlled movements accurately portrayed the character.
  • Great reference to character and how to communicate this with Laban movement analysis.
  • Effective characterisation and facial expressions.
  • The song complemented the movements.
  • The prop accentuated the piece.


Developmental Feedback:

  • Be more confident in what I am saying
  • Play with slowing it down more, adding in more pauses.
  • Make parts of the piece more jagged.
  • Add in some softer movements, as a contrast to the stronger movements.
  • Describe the prop more in my introductory talk.


The feedback I have received has enabled me to clearly identify my strengths and areas for development. Now that we have performed a solo in front of our peers, the formative assessment should be less daunting.  From observing my peer’s solos, I noticed they used repetition of certain movements at different points in their pieces. Jonathan Burrows, a dancer and choreographer, describes repetition as ‘a moment of recognition for the audience in a sea of change.’ (Burrows, 2010, P.8) Based on this, I believe adding in some repetition to my solo will enhance my piece and make it more relatable to an audience.


Practice speaking more confidently and rehearse my talk in front of my peers.

Decide where I can add in some effective pauses and softer movements in my piece.

Add in some repetition to my piece, e.g. a movement performed softly, then repeated later more dynamically.

Make additional notes about my prop, including why I have decided to use the prop, what the purpose of the prop is, and add this into my talk.

Posted November 12, 2019 by 20081291 in category Uncategorized

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