January 24 2020

A Brief History of Dance

Give a brief history of dance from 1900 to present day. Comment on how cultural changes within the dance world gave rise to different dance techniques.

The dance world has undergone dramatic changes over the last century. One of the major contributory factors driving these changes is technological advances and social media. This dramatic cultural evolution has shaped the new age we live in and dance is no exception.  Videos of dance from all over the world are accessible on YouTube, Instagram, livestream, Facebook, etc. As a result of this, the breadth of information that is available on types of dance has been dramatically widened for artists.  The ease of free access on the internet also makes dance more accessible and inclusive. For example, some people may not be able to afford £50 for a ballet concert ticket, but they could still view a concert online, on DVD or in a cinema.

The modern ease of international travel is another important factor in increasing accessibility and enabling a cross pollination between dance communities. Choreographers and dancers can integrate from all over the world, attend workshops and concerts in different countries. This interculturalism has encouraged many artists to push their own boundaries, expand their vocabulary and techniques, and not feel bound to stick to one genre. As a result of this, many forms of dance have become international. This is supported by Nadel and Miller in their book, ‘The Dance Experience’, who state that, ‘Major companies worldwide present styles as diverse as classical ballet, ballroom dancing, hip hop, tango, and tap, and their participants literary know no society boundaries.’ As well as the widespread diversity of dance available across the world, it is also open to people from all walks of life, regardless of their status or background (Nadel and Miller, 2014, P.111).

Posted January 24, 2020 by 20081291 in category Uncategorized

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