After the Christmas season, many of us are finding it hard to budget our finances alongside sharp rises in the prices of household goods and the cost of energy. So what are the best ways for us to save money where we can?

By now, it is likely that the majority of us are starting to experience the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis within our day-to-day routines.
Whether it be something as simple as noticing your favorite cup of coffee has increased in price by twenty pence, or something as significant as seeing a rise in the cost of your weekly shop, there’s no denying that as a collective we’re all seeing more money leave our banks than in previous years.
In order to alleviate these financial pressures Habitat for Humanity, an international charity fighting world poverty and homelessness, have provided a number of tips in order to help us save money during this period of rising costs.
Their original article may be found on their website or by following this link:
The most simple method for saving may seem so straightforward, although I’m sure it may not have crossed your mind and that is to sell your unused and unwanted possessions.
It’s no doubt that for the most part, we all eventually get tired of an article of clothing we’ve worn to death or a game that’s been played countless times over and so giving these things a new home is a great way to create space at home whilst simultaneously reducing the quantity of products that end up in landfill.
With a number of apps and sites available that are dedicated to the sale of used goods, most notably eBay, parting with long forgotten items is a no-brainer and an excellent way to hang on to some money.
Besides selling old items, there have been more and more ways to make money online that have developed over the past few years mainly in regards to surveys.
Digital surveys have become a very popular way to make some additional cash with very little effort in regards to the input they require to fill out.
So long as you have access to a computer, tablet, smartphone or any other device that has internet, you are able to answer a variety of surveys for varying financial rewards.
Habitat for Humanity have posted a wide variety of trusted websites that are available for use in order to participate in these surveys.
They are so simple to complete, only requiring a basic registration process followed by questions that only take a brief amount of time to answer an once you have completed the required surveys, you are rewarded usually with vouchers and eTokens of varying value with some websites offering anywhere up to £50 for participating.
With these and many more tips available through the Habitat for Humanity website, alongside proper budgeting techniques, hopefully you can find yourself picking up and saving some additional money in the coming months.