LS – Choice activity

The Choice activity can be used to create quick polls or for students to select time slots in a simple booking system. Watch the video to learn how to use the Choice activity to set up a poll on your LS page.

To view captions and transcript, press play to start the video and then press the arrow icon on the toolbar to watch the video in MS Stream

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What you will gain from this lesson..

In this lesson you will be shown how to use the Choice activity to create a quick poll and how to use it to set up a simple tutorial booking system

Key terms & pedagogies used

Hover your mouse over the icon to reveal the type of pedagogy and learn more about it.

A web-based learning or training activity, usually interactive, for example, a workshop or seminar.  Webinars take place synchronously online using video conferencing software, with participants taking part remotely.  Webinars may be recorded and made available as a video to complete a certain task.