Harriet on Hills

We’ve Got This

Powerboat Level 2 – Day 3

Today we were left unsupervised in the boat. By this I mean that our instructor stayed on the pontoon and supervised from there for the most part. This was daunting as if something major were to happen then there was no-one experienced with us to help fix it. However this fear was unfounded as we all soon gained our confidence back and as usual were having a lot of fun.

First things first we put together a safety kit and set the boat up. However when doing this we noticed some oil in the boat which I found worrying. When i queried this my instructor i was told that it was ok and so I bailed the oily water out. Whilst doing this I was very conscious of the environmental  impact this would have. Furthermore this action sparked a conversation about the environmental impact power boating as a whole has and wether or not the benefits out weighed the drawbacks. We did not come to a conclusion,

Much like the first day we started by by driving figure of eights around two buoys then attempting to reverse a figure of eight. Practice morning to a buoy, holding off and coming alongside.

After lunch we practice our man overboard drills and 3-point turns. However this time to add a sense of realism our instructor wanted us to Drive close to a set of steps where she would get off before turning around  then returning to pick her back up. This was daunting but surprisingly it went amazingly well and I had no issues at all doing so.

In the end of the day I had a great time and gained masses of confidence in myself.

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