How I got my Placement

On November the 5th 2018 two ladies, Gemma and Heather, came in to the University from Devon and Cornwall police, to explain a little about the policing and citizens project. There was seven of us in the group that all wanted to apply to this for our placement. Un be known to us only 4 people could actually be selected for this role and we were only told this about 5 minutes before our interviews. Again another shock to all of us was that we had to have interviews separately to compete for one of the 4 winning spots. This was simply a mess up by one of our lecturers. Gemma and Heather thought we all knew this.

I was the last one out of all the interviews to go. Naturally I was very nervous and part of me was very  competitive to get this spot. Mainly because if I didn’t get this placement I would of had to of found another one, which takes up a lot of time and we had a tight limit to get this sorted.

In the interview I was asked questions such as ‘Have you done Volunteer work before’ and ‘Why should we choose you for this project’. I find being asked questions on the spot very intimidating but I normally pull through and sometimes even blab on about some things. I felt confident in the answers I gave and how the interview went. I knew that there was also some strong competitors.

About 5 days later we got an email from our tutor saying that Me, Beth, Carmen and Jordan were all successful in our interviews and that our placement would start on the 30th of January. I was over the moon to hear this. This was one of the first steps in my placement that proved to myself that I can do achieve something if I put my mind to it. McClelland talks about the n-ach theory which is the idea of ‘motivated achievement’ which I believe is something I was dealing with at the time of these interviews. It explains that you want to seek achievement and attain realism by challenging goals and achieving advancement in a job role (McCelland, 1961)