
I found this blog inspiring to me because it is professional and very helpful. I feel that the website is very professional and has a lot of content which means it can help you for example there is study skills tab which could help with your references or to improve you academic writing. This blog has helped me to achieve success.

This blog inspire me because it truly is packed with information about sports therapy and is very professional. As a goal I will eventually want to develop my website like that.Ā 

This blog is very great for people who have injuries. This is because this blogger post about how to prevent an injury for example, one post on there is how to correctly run.

This blog is very inspireing and professional because it is full of information and is to navigate around the website. If you go on to this blog it offers a course that you can go to.

When coming across this website I found it to short and simple. This inspired me to keep my website simple and easy to navigate.