Study Skills

I really have enjoyed using marjon discovery as it has help me find the best references for my work.

Using google scholar has also been very beneficial for me this year as it help me find good references for my assignments.

Having access to the future website has been really helpful for  my study skills and leaning about myself and how I would be in different situations.  self.

Being able to have a website to check your assignments and for the website to give you feedback on what you need to do is really helpful.

I found that the study skills on marjon learning space was really helpful for to make sure that I was doing everything correct and use it like a check list.

Having access to this website is very useful because it allows me to learn new techniques and furthers improve my anatomy. this website give you short videos.

Using youtube has help me when revising for example when revising knee anatomy it has giving me information which has help me succeed in bell ringer exam.

Using this website helped me lean my anatomy by answering questions and watching videos on the heart or lungs as an example.

Having this website has help me further my knowledge on taping and preventing injury.

Having this website has allowed me to keep my message techniques update and give me information to why we massage what benefits a massage provides