Reflections 11.03.19

Date: 11.03.19

Location: Plymouth Marjon University

Total amount of hours: 38

In this session a female client aged 20 was treated with complaints of pain within their calf muscles. The client competes in volleyball and swimming/water polo on a weekly basis. The pain can cause her problems in her daily life style including sharp pains when she crouches down and walking up and down the stairs.

Upon observation, the left calf muscle was much tighter than the right. The client didn’t feel any pain on palpation, however had a limited ROM during dorsiflexion.

Treatment began with a light effleurage to help warm up the muscle and prepare it for deep tissue techniques. Petrissage techniques such as wringing and kneading were then applied. The client didn’t seem to find any pain during any effleurage techniques however some of the kneading techniques did cause some pain within the gastrocnemius. The soleus muscle was also treated by flexing the knee to 90 degrees massaging the tissue.

MET’s were then applied. This will help to increase range of motion through lengthening the muscles. This was achieved by positioning the client she was lying face down with her feet off the end of the bed. By applying a small amount of force against the clients foot, forcing it into dorsiflexion, and asking the client to resist against this counter force, the stretch was held for 30 seconds. This helped to contract and stretch the muscle. This technique was repeated three times, each time adding slightly more force to the foot.

An ankle and knee assessment can be carried out to help determine whether there are any underlying issues which may be affecting the clients calf pain.

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