Reflections 25.02.19

Date: 25.02.19

Location: Plymouth Marjon University

Total amount of hours: 35

In this session, a female client aged 18 was treated. The client participates in football/coaching on a weekly basis and has complaints of pain within the quadriceps, which has started to affect her daily life as well as limiting physical activity.

Upon observation, the muscle bulk of the right quadricep was only slightly greater than the left, with the left being much tighter. There was some pain on palpation within the left quad along the rectus femoris. ROM was tested by observing the client’s ability to flex the knee when bringing the heel towards the glute. The client struggled to complete this when flexing the left knee.

Effleurage was applied to the quad to help warm up the muscle, concentrating on the tight rectus femoris. Petrissage was then applied which included techniques such as kneading and wringing. After the application of these techniques, METs were then applied to help stretch the muscle. This was completed with the client face down, prone position, with the knee flexed. A force is applied to the movement as the client resists against the force to help stretch the quadricep muscles.

After treatment, the client claimed that the pain within the quadriceps had subsided, however ROM was still limited.

By measuring ROM, it shows a beneficial way of providing a more accurate result instead of estimating how the clients ROM is/has improved or worsened. Also, a knee assessment can be carried out to test whether there are any other underlying problems with the joint which may be causing the clients pain.




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