Education and training opportinites page

Education and training opportunities page:

Masters qualification:

Completing this qualification will help to improve levels of employability and knowledge of this area of work. My own knowledge and understanding of the subject can be improved which will benefit greatly by making myself more employable which will stand out when read on my CV.


Physiotherapy degree:

Completing this degree will also help to further my employability and stand out on a CV. This will also provide more opportunities of work as I will then be able to work with a wider variety of clients and provide them with different types of treatment or understand where the client can be referred to in order to benefit them more.


Further first aid qualifications:

Through gaining further first aid courses, this will help to improve knowledge and understanding of addressing injuries. Having this further knowledge when working with athletes, for example pitch side, further help can be provided as well as more confidence in myself on how the individual can be helped. This will also have a benefit on the individuals rehabilitation process by decreasing the recovery time if all the correct actions have been taken.

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