Reflections 24.04.19

Date: 24.04.19

Location: Plymouth Marjon University

Total amount of hours: 53

Formative assessment:

In this session a male client aged 23 was treated for pain within the hamstrings. The client spends many hours a day massaging and treating clients. They also regularly go to the gym.

Upon observation, the left hamstring was much tighter than the right. ROM during knee and hip extension in the left hamstring was limited to around 70 degrees whereas the right reached around 75-80 degrees. The client did not feel any pain on palpation.

Effleurage and petrissage were applied. Deep frictions and NMTs were also applied to help increase ROM and reduce pain. Some METs were applied to stretch the hamstring to help improve ROM through using PIR in a straight leg raise.

ROM was tested after treatment and had improved significantly with the left leg reaching approximately 80 degrees and the right leg approximately 80-85 degrees.

The client provided feedback of the treatment saying that confidence and communication skills need to be improved.

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