Reflections 29.11.18

Date: 29.11.18

Location: Plymouth Marjon University

Total amount of hours: 24

This session was a follow up for a 19-year-old female client who had complaints about her lower back pain, around the lumbar region. This pain is likely to be caused from sitting at a computer and bad posture.

Effleurage techniques were applied to help warm up the muscles around the lumbar region of the back. Some petrissage techniques were then used to help with more deep tissue massage. This included kneading and wringing, mostly around the lower trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles.

With a lot of tightness around the lower back, neuromuscular techniques were then used to help relax the muscle, remove any knots and increase range of movement. To perform this technique, pressure was applied to the area. Establishing with the client on a pain scale of 1-10 how much pain this treatment will cause by asking them to confirm when the amount of pressure applied reaches a 7-8 on the pain scale which was previously discussed. This pressure was applied for up to 30 seconds or until there is a feeling of numbness.

By the end of the massage, the client mentioned of a decrease in pain within the lower back. There was also an improvement in the client’s mobility.

A spine and hip assessment could be carried out to help determine whether there are any issues with the joint, muscles or ligaments which may be causing the clients lower back pain.

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