Session 2: Broadcasting

Upon Reflection

Despite the mistakes in yesterday’s radio broadcast, the phrase “it could have been worse” springs to mind.

I think things began to go wrong when half of our group couldn’t make it for various reasons; this meant we only had 3 packages to play, and one guest conversation.

It wasn’t that this was to little to play – though it might have covered up my production mistakes – it just threw us all of balance a bit.

Hopefully all of our group can make it to the next broadcast, but if not, we know how better to deal with it. We have to go live regardless, so we can’t let it get in the way.

From the four of us that were left, I was chosen to be producer, because I had done it before. It didn’t exactly seen like it though, because I struggled with the equipment, causing packages/music to be played at the wrong times.

I think this was because it wasn’t really what I was expecting – I think I needed more time to remember how to work the equipment, and we didn’t have a run through, which would have made all of us feel more comfortable.

Next week, I won’t be producer, because the other members of the group want to learn how to work the equipment. We’ve also already said we’re going to have a run through for next week, to put us all at ease.

Next week our audience will be Children, so I’m planning on looking at some Newsround clips, to find a good way to make a story more entertaining for kids.

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