Study skills & learning resources

Useful software and tools:

Mendeley – free software/apps to manage PDFs of journal articles, book details and referencing. Marjon e-Learning Team help guides for Mendeley: Click here.

Scrivener – paid software, useful for organising large writing projects (e.g. dissertations).

Useful links and resources:

Academic Phrasebank – helps you develop your writing with a range of sections for different types of academic writing.

Finding academic literature:

Please note: some of the methods below will work ‘automatically’ if you are on campus, if you aren’t on campus, you may have to sign in to access certain resources.

Discovery – this is the Marjon library’s main search facility, be aware that it will return all types of source in the search results (e.g. books, peer-reviewed journals, non-academic journals etc).

Once you have found a relevant text (whether it’s a textbook or a peer-reviewed journal article), checking the reference list is an effective way of finding other relevant work. More recent journal articles often have ‘clickable’ links in their reference lists:

In the example above, if you had the PDF open, clicking on the blue text starting ‘doi…..’ would take you to that article on the publication’s website. Try it by clicking on the following link, scrolling down to the reference list and finding a blue ‘doi’ to click: Casey & MacPhail (2018)

Google Scholar