29-01-2020 Football pitchside (8)





Date: 29-01-2020
Group or individual with whom I worked: Marjon football 3 & 4 pitch side


BEFORE my placement …

What am I aiming to achieve from my placement today? What do I need to be mindful of? What issues/questions need to be addressed to ensure I achieve my aim? Do I need to be aware of particular theories, or have particular skills? Have I thought about all of the ‘what ifs’?

Today from placement as it will be the first-time doing football pitch side so I want to ensure that I am aware of the normal injuries and am aware of the plans in place should there be a severe injury occur to either the home or away team.




DURING my placement …

What did I notice happening around me today? What was I thinking and feeling? How was I involved? Did I do anything to intervene and change the situation that I found myself in e.g. how I conveyed a point or whether I decided not to do something I had planned to do? Did my reflections at the time change the session I had planned or my actions?

Prior to this placement I hadn’t worked with any of the teams that I was pitch side for, but I found them very responsive and chatty towards me, making me feel welcome within the team environment. I feel like this is very common for the bigger team sports such as football and rugby due to the ever-changing personnel.






AFTER my placement … (based on the Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle)

Describe the activities you undertook whilst on placement today. Set the context, what you did and what happened.

The main activities that I participated in at placement today were the treatment of injuries. To start with I performed a pre event massage on the calf’s’ persisting in effleurage and petrissage PIR and RI as the player was experiencing some soreness due to playing a game earlier in the week. After this I was assisting some players in an extended warmup to warm up some extra sore areas. The first injury that occurred in the game was ankle based as a player went over on their left ankle. After a few tests on the field I suspected it was peroneal as there was pain on active movement throughout the whole range of movement. This led to the player being removed from the game and ice being used to try and reduce the swelling. There were also a few knee injuries that needed strapping including an MCL strapping and patella femoral syndrome.


Document how you felt through-out your placement today. Were you anxious, confident, pleased or disappointed?

Today at placement I felt confident throughout as again there was nothing that I felt was out of my control.



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