13-11-2020 (5 hours)

Today in clinic I started off with an online triage call with a new client. The pathology appears to be a reactive achilies tendinopathy in the left leg. I felt confident about this diagnosis as the pain was onset with activity and the client was overtraining themselves in the gym. This led to me making the decision to see the client in the clinic next week. This is not only to reaffirm my clinical impression but also to be able to explain some rehab to the client by taking them through a gym session and to give some brief observations about the clients lifestyle that could help aid recovery. These observations can include volume of training, nutrition, hydration, and sleep. Helping clients to make informed choices in their daily lives can help to improve the body’s healing process. For example, getting higher quality sleep improves the amount of REM sleep you get which is when the body recovers and repairs the most. After this call I finalised the notes from the call and prepares the session for the following week. This is important for me to do as it means that I can programme it when the client is still fresh in my head and I can recall all the information needed to create an impressive individualised session. Following this before my other client I looked at a case study of concussion and the steps as a sports rehabilitator I should take to ensure players are safe to return to play following a concussion. For the rehab plan I based it from the RFU return to play regulations. Although the return to play is for rugby players it can be easily adjusted for all sports through the integration of sports specific drills. It is important for me as a practitioner to keep going over key pathologies so I can use the latest programmes designed to get clients back playing sport as quickly and safely as possible. For my final client I took him through a gym session for a facet joint dysfunction. While working with this client for the last three weeks I have seen great progress and pain go from being limiting in everyday life to non-existent. For this I have simply looked at exercise prescription and some lumbar mobility. The client has adhered very well to the plan and the progress is clear for both him and me to see. Going forward I am looking to use the gym aware kit to predict his 1rms in order to programme him a 6 week gym plan for after the second lockdown in order to continue to develop his stability in lower back, continue to improve his glute firing and ensure symmetry in his quads and hamstrings to prevent a pelvic tilt from developing.

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