Starting university can not only be scary, but a challenging time for every new student. Because of this, it is so important that new students choose a university that suits them, their needs and provides them with a well suited degree, therefore giving them the best outcome for life. I sat down with one of Marjon’s own, Megan Jones a first year student at Plymouth Marjon University, currently studying BA (Hons) Journalism. We spoke all things from university life, to the course itself – one of Megan’s favourite parts about university.
ES: Hi Meg, so you are a student at Marjon University…what are your first thoughts about studying here in general?
MJ: Hi Ella, I’m actually really enjoying it. Marjon itself is a fairly small campus compared to the other university’s that I had previously looked at and visited, but the size of Marjon is what makes it quite nice – everyone gets to know each other really quickly and it is so easy to make friends here. Also, despite the size of the university, everything is on campus which is helpful…there are also some great facilities for everyone to use, especially in the journalism department where I am based.
ES: That sounds really good! So prior to coming to this University, what drew you to Marjon?
MJ: Definitely the facilities and how career driven everyone was. In the journalism department they offer some great facilities and support to help you benefit and excel in the course such as working with the BBC, The Guardian ect…a lot of other university’s that I visited they just did not have that drive to help you get jobs and contacts as soon as it would be thought to do so.
ES: So you are studying journalism here? What pulled you in to decide to do this degree?
MJ: I had done media studies during my A-Levels so having some previous experience with the type of technology you use was a big factor for doing this degree, and I have always enjoyed writing and creating new and interesting stories. It is just a new change that seems interesting to do and journalism is such a broad subject that it can literally take you into a whole range of journalistic careers…it is a real door opener.