‘ My main advice would be connect with friends and family’ – Life in Lockdown with Rebecca Lafferty

Having performed as Wendy Darling in Peter Pan and covered the role of Eponine in Les Miserables, actress Rebecca Lafferty was a part of the tour of Bat out of Hell, playing the role of Scherrzo, when the theatre shutdown was announced and the country went into Lockdown. I talked to Rebecca about how she is adjusting to this strange new way of life and her hopes for when the theatres are allowed to open again.

First of all, how are you feeling about the whole lockdown situation?

To be honest I feel surprisingly calm about it all. Initially the idea of not being able to get out and go wherever I want freaked me out but with this glorious weather I’m just grateful I have a garden and I can enjoy the sun.

How have you been keeping yourself occupied during the lockdown?

I have been really getting into practising yoga again as I always find that it leaves me feeling mentally refreshed. Other than that I’ve been using this time to actually relax, spend time with my boyfriend as our schedules always clash in our day to day lives (he’s not a performer) and playing my piano/ukulele. I have also found a love for Zoom quizzes!! I am originally from Scotland and it has been a massive wake up call for me that I need to do this more often with my friends back home after all this is over!

What are you most looking forward to doing once lockdown is over?

I can’t wait to see my friends, especially those who are isolated by themselves. It is important in this tough industry to surround yourselves with people who make you happy & I am definitely missing those people!! I also can’t wait to get back into rehearsals for Bat Out Of Hell UK tour. We are currently meant to be finishing our US leg of the tour but never got to start it due to Covid-19.

Is there anything we, as theatre fans, can do to help the arts industry in these trying times?

Just enjoy yourselves and don’t feel pressured to do anything. There’s not much any of us can do in these times! If you are feeling the theatre itch: watch some of the free shows being posted, do a free dance class online, sing your favourite show tunes and just remember this will all be over soon.

What is your favourite thing about the theatre industry as a whole?

I would probably say how friendly & supportive everyone is. You always see on tv shows how everyone in the industry hates each other but it’s not like that at all, especially at auditions. You always leave catching up with someone you haven’t seen in a while or making a new friend.

With the theatres closed and so much being moved online, do you think we are seeing a big change in how the industry works?

I don’t see why not! It would be great to make theatre accessible for everyone, because we all know how expensive it is to see a show in London.

How have you been managing day to day life in quarantine? Do you have a routine, or do you just go with the flow?

I don’t have a strict schedule but I like to get up and not lie around. If it’s sunny I get straight into my garden and enjoy the vitamin D. I do struggle mentally on days where the weather isn’t great as I feel i should be doing something otherwise I am wasting my day but i’m just trying to take each day as it comes.

Do you have any advice for people who are perhaps finding lockdown hard to manage?

My main advice would be connect with friends and family. Zoom has been the most amazing thing in this lockdown! Arrange a quiz or just a catch up! I would also recommend not lying about in bed all day, get up go for your daily walk & enjoy the fresh air.

Do you think that it is important to talk about mental health in these challenging times?

Of course! I am a firm believer that mental health should be talked about with no judgement. It helps to know others are feeling the same way & that you are not alone. We all have bad mental health days and the more we talk about it openly and freely, especially in times like these, we can all help & support each other through it.

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