
Date: 05/10/ 2020

Hours: 4

Total hours: 7

Within this session in the clinic at Marjon University, the session began on the anti-gravity treadmill. This is a beneficial piece of equipment which can be used within rehabilitation to help clients with injury by providing a safe environment to aid walking/running with weight barring injuries, allowing for running with reduced pain and recovering mobility. This can also be used with athletes to help enhance physical performance. This session was incredibly beneficial as this allowed to view the equipment in use and look further into the benefits of using the anti-gravity treadmill within a rehabilitation programme.

The first client was an online consultation with a 50 y/o man who had complaints of some pain/ dull ache within Cx / Tx junction and bilateral numbness down both arms going down to the index fingers. The client is currently undergoing chemotherapy treatment. During the consultation, the client claimed that the pain was worse at night, disrupting his sleep, and came on around 6 weeks ago when working as a carpenter. To help ease the pain, the client says that laying on his side until the pain subsides can help to ease. The client is also currently taking medications for high blood pressure and a muscle relaxant. The client has no specific lifestyle factors which may contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle, he is a non-smoker, does not consume alcohol, has a good diet and enjoys walking.

During objective assessment, the client did not have any asymmetries with no pain in active ROM. Flexion, extension, side flexion and rotation of Cx/ Tx and in combined movements did not cause any symptoms of pain or aggravation. There was also no pain in any functional movements such as arms above head or repeating movements such as putting on a car seat belt, looking behind him in a car. No daily exercises replicate any symptoms.

The clinical impression of this appointment was a possible disc herniation (radiculopathy) of C7/T1. It was also considered a potential carpal tunnel syndrome, however there was not an assessment of the elbow and wrist carried out during the consultation.

The treatment that was provided was a variety of exercises to help strengthen and relieve pain/symptoms. The exercises provided included chin tucks which can be used to help strengthen the muscles of the neck and Cx. It was suggested to the client to use a rolled towel between the back of the head and the floor to help aid and decrease the difficulty of the exercise. Shoulder shrugs and wall angels were also prescribed to help strengthen the muscles around Tx and the shoulders. These exercises were chosen as these should be simple for the client to complete as a body weight exercise with no repeated symptoms. Some videos and tips for meditation and Tai Chi was also provided, this is aimed to help the client with relaxation and promote better sleep. All information was supplied with a video clip to help the client easily visualise the type of exercise that has been provided. This information was sent to the client via email.

It was decided that there will be a follow up appointment with the client in a months’ time to help identify whether the clients symptoms have improved and if the treatment plan provide has been beneficial r-or if there needs to be any further changes.

Overall, the session ran smoothly with all information being covered in depth to help come to a potential diagnosis and treatment plan. Areas to improve within the session with my client will mostly focus around showing confidence within my own ability and ensuring that all areas are covered in detail to receive the correct information is obtained for better application of treatment.

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